Saturday, May 19, 2012


Recently discovered reserves of oil in Canada that could be shipped to the U.S. through the Keystone Pipeline are larger than those in Venezuela and Saudi Arabia combined according to an article on   And this oil doesn’t come from a nation with a history of tense relations with the United States; Canada is among the most stable democracies in the world. Not a shot has been fired in anger toward the United States in 200 years.

And there the oil sits, certainly destined to go to China because we have a President who prefers to play political games over solving the nation’s real issues. That volume could move us significantly toward energy independence and lower gas prices for the next 100 years, as well as employing tens of thousands of jobs in construction, refining, distribution and related industries.  Don’t tell me his poop doesn’t stink.   

Q. Why is the recall race for Scott Walker so important?  (Ardith ~ Palo Alto, CA)
A. Because the unions and the Democratic Party have made it their mission to show who’s boss in this country and Obama is behind them.  Walker’s win would serve as a “kickoff” for a ground swell to throw Obama and his goons out of Washington, DC. 

Q. What do you think about the Chicago protest marches?  (Ginger ~ Eugene, OR)
A. They are angry at the banks and financial institutions, so they are demanding that we tax them more.  They don’t even think about the fact that those taxed will simply raise their interest rates or fees to cover the taxes and we’ll end up paying the penalty.  The answer is not more regulation or taxes, it’s enforcement, and it seems that Holder is too busy covering Obama’s rear-end to attend to business.  Plus, it’s all unions and “Occupy” people out there protesting; there’s not a single person with a brain on his shoulder who is involved.    

Q. I hear now that the real costs of ObamaCare to the individual taxpayer will be much higher in the middle-income group than Obama said it would.  Is that true?  (Lance ~ Laughlin, NV)
A. Absolutely.  He promised that people with incomes under $250,000 would not be affected.  Middle class families take note: A family of four with an aggregate income of more than $88,000 annually or an individual earning around $44,000 could find themselves badly strained by healthcare costs under the Obama plan. It’s just another in the endless string of outright lies that Obama has perpetrated on the American people. 

“If all of the environmentalists would turn off their lights, park their cars and boats and live in the cold… the nation would have plenty of oil for the rest of us to thrive on and the costs would go way down.”  ~ Unknown Scribbler


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