Sunday, May 27, 2012


According to the U.S. Congress, the federal government’s budget deficit last year was $1.3 trillion. According to a USA Today analysis, the true figure is an astronomical $5 trillion. Congress exempts itself from including the cost of promised retirement benefits when computing the deficit, unlike companies which must include these commitments in financial statements.  

It’s more smoke and mirrors, playing incredible games with statistics we have become reliant upon.  We are being lied to, misled and fed misinformation and disinformation on an hourly basis.  WE CANNOT BELIEVE anything we hear… ANYTHING… from this Administration.         

Q. How is China from a military standpoint?  (Captain Bob ~ Pasco, WA)
A. The U.S. Defense Department reports that a review of China paints a detailed picture of a modernizing Chinese military that is totally committed to achieving a comprehensive capacity for "localized" and "regional wars." The report also states that the continued transformation of the Chinese military and broader espionage efforts “represent a growing and persistent threat to [the] U.S.”

Q. I understand that Obama was the keynote speaker at a 1996 event sponsored by the Democratic Socialists of America.  Why is this stuff just coming out now?  (Ollie ~ Pocatello, ID)
A. Because your favorite newspaper or TV news channel is firmly in Obama’s pocket.  They have lost the ability to investigate and report news and facts as they really are and they have become puppets of the far left. 

Q. As if I didn’t know, how are the latest talks going with Iran over its nuclear program?  (Gar ~ Florence, AZ)
A. Despite significant concessions made to Iran by the United States, France, and the UK during multilateral talks last week on Iran’s nuclear program, they refused any deal unless all sanctions against it are first dropped, a demand the West rejected. While the participants agreed to meet again in Moscow next month, Iran’s stalling and related word that it continues to expand its uranium enrichment program has left tensions at a high level and raises the chances of an Israeli airstrike against Iran’s nuclear facilities… even before Obama’s rumored late fall strike.    

We send missionaries to China so the Chinese can get to heaven, but we won't let them into our country.” ~ Pearl S. Buck


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