Wednesday, May 2, 2012


In a never ending parade of oppression against Americans, Obama is on the verge of requiring any company or individual doing business with the Federal Government to disclose all of its political contributions… to whom, when and the dollar amount.  The requirement is said to be aimed at determining who has, or is, donating to the Romney campaign and cancelling their Federal contracts, a direct violation of the law. 

This idea was originally proposed almost two years ago, but was put on the back burner after the Administration caught political flack over it.  However, it is now back on the front burner and may be enacted within days, thereby intimidating companies and individuals into voting for someone other than Romney.  Now, who might that be? 

Q. I think it is disgusting that Obama chose to gallivant over to Afghanistan to do political grandstanding on the anniversary of Bin Laden’s death.  (Yousef ~ Los Angeles, CA)
A. Actually, I agree with you.  You are able to see through his antics; I wish the rest of the country could.  It would have been more appropriate for him to have a national day of prayer in thanks for Bin Laden’s demise, or some other ceremonial event.    

Q. I don’t understand why, with all of the economic indications going bad the stock market is going up. (Mary Jane ~ Fallon, NV)   
A. I would not be surprised if Geithner and Bernanke are out buying up stocks with some of that stimulus or bailout money that hasn’t been returned to the treasury.   

Q. I just heard that a senior White House official has declared the war on terror “over.”  Are these idiots from this planet?  (Kyle ~ Carmel, CA)
A. Well, Obama’s pulled out of Iraq, pulling out of Afghanistan, letting Iran go ahead with its nuclear plants, cutting back on the number of intercontinental missiles in our armory… What do you think?  Is your stomach a little queasy?   

“We will strengthen our security by building missile defense, restoring our military might, and standing by and strengthening our intelligence officers. ~ Mitt Romney


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