Sunday, May 13, 2012


The Washington Times reports that House Democrats received training last week on how to raise the issue of race to defend government programs.  The prepared content of a Tuesday presentation to the House Democratic Caucus and staff indicates that Democrats will seek to portray apparently neutral free-market rhetoric as being charged with racial bias, conscious or unconscious.  Read more:

These tactics are despicable and degrading to the American way of life.  They stir racial prejudice and they are contrary to any sense of racial dignity that might be left in this country.  They make me want to say, “I sure as hell don’t ever want another black President in the White House.”  In fact, I said it and I guess I now believe it.  I’ll say it again straight up:  “I never want to see another black President in the White House.  Ever.

Q. Former New York Governor George Pataki is saying that Obama cannot run on his record and will instead try to “dump” on his presumptive White House opponent Mitt Romney — but will fail in his re-election bid.  From what I have seen, he’s been trying to repeat some of his same statements from 2008 that never came to fruition.  What’s your opinion?  (Barron ~ Santa Barbara, CA)
A. Obama is brash and narcissistic enough to think that he can use the same lines twice.  He will not run on his record, that’s for sure, but he will run on some same old promises and the “dumping” on Romney.  Can he win?  That depends on you. 

Q. Romney has been touted for his business acumen and for his understanding of economic issues.  If he is elected President, won’t he excel in getting our economy straightened out and people back to work?  (Sassy ~ Missoula, MT)
A. As much as I hate to admit it, the answer is a solid yes.  It’s some of the other areas of his beliefs that bother me.  Nevertheless, when you size him up against the incumbent, he’s a giant. 

Q. J.P. Morgan is in deep doo-doo.  The news says they lost $15 billion in market value as a result of a $2 billion loss.  Can they survive?  (Jerry ~ Redondo Beach, CA)
A. Not on my invested dollar.  They’re in trouble and this is only the harbinger of things to come.   

A man always has two reasons for doing anything: a good reason and the real reason.” ~ J. P. Morgan


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