Thursday, May 24, 2012


The Associated Press is reporting that Hewlett-Packard will lay off 8% of its work force to save $3 billion or more in payroll expenses. 

8% saves $3 billion at HP?  I wonder how much 8% of the Federal work force would save.  Hell, if you just lopped off 4% of the Federal work force and laid off only top echelon people, we could save a huge bundle.  Let’s start at the White House.  This large a percentage of layoffs is an ominous sign for the economy. 

Q. I hear Sheriff Joe Arpaio has sent a crew to Hawaii to look for Obama’s birth certificate.  Hasn’t Hawaii stonewalled any and all attempts to get at the records?  (Tyrell ~ Burlingame, CA)
A. Yes.  But, maybe they can nose around in some school or Mosque records and dig up something.  But, it remains a mystery to me and others as to why the Republicans and conservative media won’t follow the story. 

Q. I understand there is a new poll out showing more Americans now oppose pro-choice than support it?  (Lorraine ~ Sequim, WA)
A. A Gallup Poll has 51% at Pro-Life and 42% at Pro-Choice.  Not too long ago, it was just 33% Pro-Life.  If you accept that humans have a soul, then you accept that the soul is the essence of human life.  What follows logically then, is that an abortion at any stage denies some soul human life.  So, while you may technically be destroying “just a fetus” by some technically defined point in the term, you are really actually destroying a human soul.  Now, the atheists and agnostics would argue that there is no law against killing a soul.  I find that stance hard to swallow.    

Q. On what basis do the fired Secret Service agents think they can win their jobs back in Court?  (Myron ~ Pendleton, OR)
A. They are alleging that they are scapegoats, that the problem existed long before they got caught in Columbia.  In other words, if O.J. Simpson killed his ex-wife and got away with it, that means anyone should be able to kill their wife and get away with it.  Having said that, I expect that most women will sleep with their guns under their pillows tonight.  It’s a felonious argument in more ways than one. 

Abortion and racism are both symptoms of a fundamental human error. The error is thinking that when someone stands in the way of our wants, we can justify getting that person out of our lives. Abortion and racism stem from the same poisonous root, selfishness.” ~ Alveda King


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