Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Obama’s reelection handlers are opening his reelection bid by openly attacking GOP lawmakers as being “Tea Party lackeys.”  The insinuation is that Tea Party members are less than American and need to be ostracized because they are right-wing zealots bent on destroying the U.S.

The facts are that most Americans stand for the same values that the Tea Parties espouse: Reduced spending, responsible and smaller government, more jobs, a strong economy.  By attacking Tea Party members, Obama and his cronies are making it plain and clear that they oppose these things and anyone who believes in them, including you.   

Q. When they are talking about entitlement reform, how can they address Social Security and Medicare when we have a new law on the books that will cost trillions of dollars, ObamaCare?  (Karla ~ Laughlin, NV)
A. Because Premier Obama will not allow his pet plan to be messed with.  It then occurs to me that if you want ObamaCare gone, you have to make sure Obama does not get reelected in 2012.   

Q. Will we go to war against Iran?  (Irv ~ Alturas, CA)
A. Not while Obama is President.  Syria maybe, but not Iran.   

Q. Newt Gingrich sounded pretty strong in the Iowa debates.  Can he win?  (Lenora ~ Weaverville, CA)
A. Yes.  But, a lot can happen between now and November of next year and right now, he is behind.   

"Social Security...is not a dole or a device for giving everybody something for nothing. True Social Security must consist of rights which are earned rights -- guaranteed by the law of the land." ~ Harry S. Truman


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