Tuesday, August 23, 2011


China buys U.S. Treasury debt to help finance the U.S. economy so Western consumers will buy goods made in China.  But less demand here due to our declining economy leaves the Asian giant little choice but to export less, buy more at home and stop buying U.S. debt.  This means that the U.S. will have to pay higher interest rates to other countries to finance our government. 

Aren’t you really proud of that damned sham of a deal Congress passed before going on vacation?  Aren’t you really proud to be an American?  Now, if we ever DO decide to pay down our debt, it will take longer.  Maybe we should just let the country go over the cliff and down the damned drain.  Then we can convert to socialism and our pain and agony will be over.  Hail to the new Premier, Barack Hussein Obama.  Frankly, we need another major march on Washington, and this time we need to make it abundantly clear that we have had enough and we want our country back. 

Q. There are people out there who have been jobless for two years or more.  Now, the economy is taking another major turn for the worse.  How will they ever get a job again?  (Cecil ~ Houston, TX)
A. Well, the longer you are unemployed, the tougher it is to find work even in good times.  You lose job skills, technology moves ahead without you, and potential employers think you are a loser.  Unless something changes soon, these circumstances are likely to leave a scar on the nation unheralded since the Great Depression. This is not the American way.    

Q. I read the other day that U.S. Congress Members who violate the laws or ethics and get tossed out on their ears still collect a pension for the rest of their lives.  I know for a fact that if you are a retired military officer and you do those things, you can lose your military pension.  What gives?  (Buck ~ Salinas, CA)
A. Congress makes the rules.  Good old pal Anthony Weiner will get $40,000 a year.  Rob Blagojevich, the convicted Illinois Governor, spent eight years in Congress and will collect $15,000 a year.  Such pensions total over $1 million a year.  Tell me Congress is not corrupt. 

Q. Who was “Roe” in Roe vs. Wade?  Is it true that she is now advocating for pro-life?  (Carla ~ Weed, CA)
A. Her real name is Norma McCovey and you are right; she’s staunchly pro-life.  She’s in an upcoming movie, “DOONBY.” She lives in a small town in Texas. 

“I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.” ~ Ronald Reagan


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