Saturday, April 30, 2011


Syrian President Bashar Assad continues to crack down on Syrian protesters and the Washington elite is now calling for Obama to do something about it.  Senator John McCain, Senator Lindsey Graham and Senator Joe Lieberman, said Thursday that Assad's government has "lost the legitimacy to remain in power."

So, I guess these three dudes have the right to ignore international law?  They can’t do this without Obama, anyway, and he’s busy churning out birth certificates.  But, since everyone presumes he won’t go for it, he just might. 

Q.  I see that the NRA is going to ask for Eric Holder to resign because of the Mexican gun-running scandal.  Will he?  (Pat ~ Burbank, CA)
A.  Yes, right after he goes ahead and prosecutes those Black Panthers who intimidated Philadelphia voters in 2008. 

Q.  Do they throw rice at royal weddings?  (Marty ~ Hayward, CA)
A.  Yes.  These days, it’s Chinese rice. 

Q.  I just read a news story that says Libyan military forces are being given Viagra so they will go out and rape rebel women.  Is this true?  (Cal ~ Barksdale, LA)
A.  That appears to be the case, according to U.S. United Nations envoy Susan Rice.  Leave it to Qaddafi to have a hard-on for his enemies. 

“I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. ~ Groucho Marx

TODAY’S VIDEO:  Well worth watching!

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