Sunday, April 3, 2011


Some 533 Chinese dairies have been ordered to close after flunking a safety audit.  The announcement comes as China tries to build up its milk industry after a baby milk health scandal in 2008.  At least six babies died at that time and another 300,000 were made ill by drinking infant formula tainted with melamine.

Can’t the Chinese do anything right?  The next thing you know, they’ll discover that marbles used in Chinese Checkers were colored with rat poison.  

Q.  You don’t hear much about what’s going on in Israel with all of the other news from the Middle East.  (Myrna ~ Pompano Beach, FL)
A.  Hamas has been bombing and is also threatening Israelis in the Sinai Peninsula; Israel has ordered them to leave immediately.  There is growing concern that Iran or even Syria might join Hamas in a coordinated assault on Israel and there is the possibility that Israeli may order a preemptive attack.  I would not want to be on the receiving end of that. 

Q.  What is the skinny on Japan’s nuclear site?  (Byron ~ Red Bluff, CA)
A.  Nasty, nasty, nasty.  Workers there have discovered a crack that appears to be responsible for the radioactive leak into seawater.  Japanese officials are poo-pooing the danger, insisting there is none, (tell that to the fish).  Radiation continues to get into the atmosphere.  International pressure is trying to force the Japanese to expand the evacuation zone.  U.S. officials are sending special concrete equipment to seal off the site when the time comes.  Mixed and contradictory messages continue to emanate from Japan nuclear officials.   

Q.  The Southwest Airlines plane that had a gap rip open in the fuselage must have scared the hell out of the passengers.  Was anyone hurt?  (Quint ~ Round Mountain, CA)
A.  No one was hurt.  One lady said the air sucked her vibrator out of her hand, but she’s not filing a claim. 

“Women would rather be right than reasonable.” ~ Ogden Nash


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