The $5 billion that BP kicked in to clean up its mess in the Gulf Oil Spill has been overshadowed by associated tax write-offs that saved BP $13 billion. In the meantime, gulf residents and businesses are being stonewalled or delayed regarding payments for damages by BP’s “Trustee” who is being paid by BP; the possibility of collusion here is enormous, since the four attorneys working with the “Trustee” are making millions of dollars per month in fees. A first-of-its-kind lawsuit has been filed in Florida state court against the Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF), its administrator, Kenneth R. Feinberg, and his law firm, Feinberg Rozen LLP, alleging gross negligence, fraud, fraudulent inducement and unjust enrichment (Pinellas Marine Salvage Inc. v. Kenneth R. Feinberg, No. 11001744CI, Fla. Cir., Pinellas Co.).
This is exactly what I expected would happen. If you really have an interest, poke around on the internet some afternoon and you will discover that BP has a decades-long history of negligence when it comes to handling claims for its wrongdoings. They should be barred from doing business in the U.S., but Obama won’t do that. So, BP pays out $5 billion and saves $13 billion, thereby enriching themselves by $8 billion and leaving the taxpayer holding the bag.
Q. I think it’s about time that a President has looked into the gas prices and I’m glad to see Obama doing it. (Leticia ~ Richmond, CA)
A. Don’t get your hopes up. This is a classic Presidential ploy, and every President has done it. They appoint a commission to look into it and they don’t find anything wrong, or what they find is not serious enough to do anything about it. In the meantime, the President gets high marks for “being tough.” Nothing will come of it, mark my words.
Q. Are there still cyber attacks going on against the U.S.? (Vic ~ Dunsmuir, CA)
A. Yes. Utilities report that their attacks are up by 80%. You really could be in the shower all lathered up when the water goes off, thanks to a Russian hacker in Leningrad or a Kenyan hacker in the White House.
Q. Why is McCain in Libya? (Holly ~ Camp Verde, AZ)
A. He’s asking the U.S. to give the rebels more backing, and Obama has already authorized the use of drones there. I guess it’s only a matter of time before Obama sends troops in and we’ll be totally embroiled in another Middle East war. I’m sorry, but I have a hard enough time trying to justify to myself why we’re still in Iraq and Afghanistan. Where’s Harry Truman when you really need him?
“The great gift of Easter is hope - Christian hope which makes us have that confidence in God, in his ultimate triumph, and in his goodness and love, which nothing can shake.” ~ Basil C. Hume
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