Monday, April 25, 2011


A would-be hijacker aboard an Alitalia Airlines flight from Paris to Rome was subdued after he tried to divert the flight to Libya.  From Kazakhstan, the man brandished nail clippers in the hijacking attempt and appeared confused.    

Nail clippers?  He was going to hijack an airliner with nail clippers?  And he wanted to go to Tripoli?  You know, just when you think you’ve heard everything…  Well, I suppose that means we’re going back to being unable to fly with nail clippers in this country.  Pretty soon, we’ll all have extra long nails, just like Howard Hughes.   Too bad we won't have the money to with them. 

Q.  Do you think there is some form of energy that we have not yet discovered?  (Teresa ~ Idaho Falls, ID)
A.  Yes.  The fact is that no flying saucer has stopped to gas up.  They don’t collect electricity from the power lines.  In order to travel the vast distances of the universe, they need some form of energy that doesn’t take a lot of space or add a lot of weight to their craft.  And, we’ve yet to capture a UFO packed with Wheaties.  Now, this may all sound tongue-in-cheek, but there is some truth to what I say. 

Q.  I am so worried about gas prices, inflation, and the overall state of our economy.  What can I do to protect myself?  (Harry ~ Carmel, CA)
A.  You have every right to be concerned.  The real problem right now appears to be that there is no or little political will in Washington to address the real problems, and I include the Republicans in that statement.  You can buy gold or platinum, but the single best way you can protect yourself is to dig in and find out what is really going on in our country, and why.  A citizenry that is armed with information is the best defense against all adversaries.  A friend also advises me that, if this administration stays in office much longer, a good investment would be canned goods and ammunition. 

Q.  Why is the price of beef so high?  (Carmella ~ Redding, CA)
A.  Because someone is willing to pay it, probably a White House employee who believes in the redistribution of wealth. 

“Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty.”  ~ Ronald Reagan


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