Monday, April 4, 2011


BP is asking for permission to drill ten new exploratory wells in the area where Deepwater Horizon exploded last year.  In return for the permits, BP says it will let government officials have access to its rigs 24/7. 
I wouldn’t let BP drill for anything, anywhere in this country under any circumstances now or forever.  Furthermore, the government inspecting BP oil rigs is about as big a farce as I have ever heard of; the same government that awarded BP a special safety award just 30 days before the blast?  The same government that proved its total incompetence when it comes to dealing with an oil disaster?  BP has now, and has always had, the worst safety record in the oil and mining business.  Check it out.  BP is in the process of selling its operations to Russia; check that out.  And the Obama Administration is actually considering this? 

Q.  I don’t hear much about the housing market these days.  How come?  (Lorraine ~ Sand Point, ID)
A.  Because it’s bad news and they don’t want you to hear it.  Since they control the news, you’re not hearing anything. But the fact is that between foreclosed houses, houses that are in the foreclosure process and houses seriously underwater or with delinquent loans, there is a 2.2 year supply of homes right now, with a total of 7.3 million homes in deep doo doo.  And we’re not even talking about vacant commercial space here…

Q.  The National Traffic Safety Board has found cracks in three more Southwest airplanes.  What is your reaction to that?  (Arnie ~ San Rafael, CA)
A.  Fly Northwest. 

Q.  What would you do about the Mexican immigration problem?  (Terry ~ Anaheim, CA)
A.  Bring home troops from overseas and put lots of patrols on both of our borders.  Why do we need to have so many troops stationed overseas when we can plant an A-Bomb anywhere on this planet from any missile silo in the U.S.? 

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

Isn't it all about el toro poo poo?

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