Monday, May 10, 2010


Three-term Republican Sen. Robert F. Bennett of Utah has been eliminated from the November elections and Tea Party activists have now shifted their sights to a mid-May primary in Kentucky as their next big challenge to a political establishment they have vowed to upend.

Note that this was a very strong three-term Republican Senator who just got dethroned. The Tea Party is well aware that long-time incumbents are tainted by ethics violations, corruption, and cavalier attitudes toward voters, regardless of political affiliation. Washington cronyism is now under challenge and the Tea Party seems to mean business. It’s not just the Health Care Plan that has citizens angry; it’s the whole Washington culture that they intend to remove. Now is our chance to back them in their quests.

Q. Did I hear that Chicago law enforcement is now collecting guns from the public? (Teddy ~ St. Cloud, MN)
A. Yes, but only from law abiding citizens who turn them in for cash. Crooks, outlaws and rioters get to keep theirs.

Q. With our financial disaster and horrible debt burden, where do we get the guts to send more of our money to Greece, given that we are soon going to end up just like them? (Dale ~ Quincy, CA)
A. It’s another one of those things that our terrific politicians have done to us. Back after World War II, they had us join the International Monetary Fund and we are the major contributor. So, we automatically are obligated to get ourselves in to more debt to help Greece. Makes you wonder what other surprises are waiting for us, doesn’t it? We simply have to start paying attention to what those imbeciles in Washington are doing to us, (apologies for the insult, Ms. Pelosi.)

Q. If they thought they might have problems with ice crystals, why didn’t they add heaters to the outside of that dome they are trying to install over the well in the Gulf? Or, they could have pumped hot water down to it. (Tyrone ~ Red Bluff, CA)
A. I’m not technically qualified to answer that question but, I would think that since warm air or warm water rises, heating the dome enough to keep the water inside from turning into ice just might keep the dome from settling firmly over the leak. Besides, I think BP/ARCO is in enough hot water already.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." ~ Sigmund Freud



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