Saturday, May 1, 2010


YAHOO NEWS reports that three Houston police officers have been restricted to desk duty after they allegedly followed a Chinese diplomat, Yu Boren, into the parking garage of the Chinese Consulate, arrested him and injured him in the process, according to Houston Mayor Annise Parker. Officials in China's Foreign Ministry released a statement yesterday saying a family member also was involved, but did not say if that person was injured. "China urges the U.S. ... to quickly investigate the details of this incident and to look into the persons responsible to ensure that the Chinese diplomatic and consulate personnel and premises are not violated," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said in a statement. "The Chinese Foreign Ministry, the Chinese Embassy and the Houston consulate have already made solemn exchanges with the U.S. side." 

Evidently, there is another problem brewing in the Gulf of Mexico right now. As difficult as it may seem, this one may turn out to be bigger than the oil spill. 

Q. Is the press’ love affair with Obama ending? (Gabby ~ Slidell, LA)
A. As the story is now leaking out, it has not really been a love affair at all. The White House Press Corp has evidently been under constant threat from Obama, Emanuel and Gibbs that, if they print stories unfavorable to Obama, their press privileges might be revoked, or worse. The Press Corps has been denied full access to the President and there has even been discussion in the White House that the Press Corps might be abolished by Obama entirely under the pretext that he can get his news out via Twitter or Facebook. There are overt allegations that the White House has been actively controlling the news. Reporters say the White House is thin-skinned, controlling, eager to go over their heads and stingy with even basic information.

Read more:

I have said many times on this and other blogs that I believe the intent of this President toward our form of government to be less than honorable. The first step in trying to take over a country is to control the news. I hope the press follows through and starts doing some meaningful investigative reporting. There’s a whole lot America wants and deserves to know.

Q. It seems to me that there are more signs of economic recovery and that we are through the worst of this. What’s your thought? (Brenda ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. Look for things to stay rosy until the day after the November elections. Now, I have to qualify that by warning that the situation in Greece has all of the potential of adversely affecting the entire world economic climate before November. There’s also an enormous amount of commercial and residential real estate either in or about to enter the foreclosure process and this could have disastrous effects on the domestic mortgage banking sector before November. Other than that, it is a well-known political trick by any incumbent party to artificially keep the economy looking good going into an election, and Tim Geithner has his hands on billions of dollars of our money he can use to prop the economy up right now. So, this is not the time to get comfortable with your investments. In fact, we have no idea yet what the economic impact of this Gulf Oil situation is going to be.

Q. Did I hear that there is a movement afoot by the States to put a spending limit on Congress? (Cassie ~ Redding, CA)
A. I did hear that one state has a ballot initiative for the November elections to put a cap on Federal taxes, but have not been able to pin the state down or the verbiage used. Stay tuned; I’m all for it.

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” ~ Preamble to the Constitution



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