Monday, May 17, 2010


The weather has been cooperating in the Gulf, but hurricane season is just around the corner and the oil leak continues. While there has been some abatement as the result of a mile long tube that has been installed to siphon oil to surface ships, only about a fifth of the leak has been captured and worries are escalating that the ooze may reach a major ocean current that could carry it through the Florida Keys and up the East Coast.

There has been much discussion about barring oil drilling off the ocean floor. There are literally hundreds of rigs out there operating safely. The fact the BP ARCO has a very bad and ugly leak is a testimony to their environmental track record and their lacking safety procedures. How to stop any possible calamity here is beyond me, but I do believe it will have an adverse impact on the world’s climate.

Q. I’ve been watching the polls and my question is who your preference is to be in charge of Congress when the elections are over: Republicans or Democrats? (Aurora ~ Van Nuys, CA)
A. Americans. Patriotic Americans. Incumbents must go. Washington must get the message: we are tired of the same old bull we’ve been facing for too many decades. Yes, I would favor Republicans to also send a message to Obama, but I would vote for a new patriotic American Democrat long before I’d vote for an incumbent Republican who has been part of the problem. The reverse is also true. But, the major issue here is that we have not had a whole lot of people in Congress these past few decades who believe in America first; you know it and I know it.  We saw it when they refused to listen to us and called us down during last summer's recess.

Q. Do you think Arlen Specter will get reelected? (Betsy ~ Chesapeake, VA)
A. No. He’s not recently been good for Pennsylvania and his switch of parties after Obama’s remarks about guns and religion leaves many people wondering if he believes in guns and religion… or not, as seems to be the case in the Obama camp.

Q. Will the price of gas go up due to the Gulf oil problem? (LeAnn ~ Oroville, CA)
A. The price of gas always goes up in the summer. 

“An election is coming. Universal peace is declared, and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry.” ~ George Eliot

TODAY’S VIDEO: The real question is: Where IS Bieber?


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