Saturday, May 29, 2010


A $1 trillion addition to the deficit, when Obama promised on the eve of passing that it was deficit neutral? That’s the story coming out now as former CBO Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin is now saying, and this doesn’t count another $100 billion or so being spent to cover a declining reimbursement to Medicare doctors. Why didn’t this come out before? The budget office is required to take all information it receives at face value; it can’t question the information it is given. Lies went in to the system, lies came out.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Now, here we are, stuck with the costs of another Obama lie, and to the tune of $1 trillion at that. When, my fellow Americans, will enough be enough?

Q. I know you already answered this question, but I still can’t understand why Obama is not participating in ceremonies at Arlington this Memorial Day. (Madge ~ Hot Springs, AR)
A. Look at it this way; maybe he finally understands that we’re tired of seeing his mug on TV every time we turn around. The only thing you have to know in order to figure out Obama is that he doesn’t give a hoot about anyone in this world except himself; everyone else is irrelevant and “in his way.”

Q. What has BP been saying to Obama since he blew his top and said, “Just plug the damned hole?” (Yvette ~ Ketchikan, AK)
A. “Here’s mud in your eye?”

Q. What do you think will happen with this Sestak thing? (Bart ~ Anderson, CA)
A. Nothing. You have a Democrat accuser running for Congress, a Democrat President, a Democrat Attorney General, and a Democrat Congress. Sestak finally said he would answer questions after the White House said something and then, out of the clear blue, along came Bill Clinton to say he “might” have discussed the “possibility” of a job with Sestak. Now, that theoretically gets the heat off of Obama. We can all know in our hearts that the conversation was had between Sestak and Rambo and at the request or direction of Obama; that’s a given. By having Clinton take the fall, that puts the story at arm’s length. This is going nowhere fast and the fact that the Republicans keep on beating a dead horse is beginning to make me think it’s a red herring. Get out the tartar sauce. On second thought, I think the red herring is now so dead that it belongs in the back seat of Rambo’s car.

TODAY’S QUOTE: She told a real whopper that time…
“We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.” ~ Nancy Pelosi



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