Tuesday, February 16, 2016


When Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was discovered dead in his bed Saturday, he was found with his hands almost folded on top of the sheets; the sheets and his bedclothes were not wrinkled.  His pillow… was over his head. 

This description almost sounds as if the body was posed; nobody sleeps like that.  And, nobody sleeps with a pillow over their head either, unless there’s somebody jack-hammering on a sidewalk outside.  When Obama who was on the golf course, was informed of Scalia’s death, he just kept right on playing… as if nothing had happened.  Finally, and probably by coincidence, two hours before Scalia’s death was announced, the Texas State Republican Leadership passed a resolution calling for the U.S. Senate to block the nomination of anybody nominated by President Obama.  Where was Jack Ruby when this happened? 
Q. What did you think of the Saturday night GOP debates?  (Irving ~ Alturas, CA)
A. I think Trump was overly defiant and confrontational, to the point of making an ass out of himself; it was his worst night on the debate circuit so far.  And I’ll say this: I have come out supporting Trump for the nomination, but his performance Saturday certainly gives me pause to think twice about that decision.  The problem is, I just don’t see any of the other candidates as having the ability to even remotely begin to straighten out the manure in Washington.  Cruz, Rubio and Bush were mediocre and Kasich did okay; but, I can’t help but get sick and tired over his constant “Ohio” stories.  I also think Carson had one of his better nights, but I’m selecting no winner... except, maybe, SNL.     

Q. Is it true that Glenn Beck left FOX because they ordered him to stop talking about God?  (Myrna ~ Denver, CO)
A. Yes.  To some extent, I think Beck overdid it, almost to the point of preaching the Gospel on a news network.  But, to ban the use of the word “God” altogether is absurd.  All FOX proved with that maneuver is that they are Godless, and that is what is wrong with the country today. 

Q. Were all of the people said to have been using Clinton’s private email server who received classified material cleared with appropriate security clearances?  (Li ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. So far, everyone involved is refusing to answer that question and the Clinton camp has yet to come out with any statement asserting that they all had clearances.  But, at this point, what difference does it make? 

“What is a moderate interpretation of the text?  Halfway between what it really means and what you’d like it to mean?” ~ Justice Antonin Scalia


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