Monday, February 8, 2016


An apparent overflow at the Indian Point Energy Center in Buchanan, 40 miles north of Manhattan, spilled highly radioactive water into an underground monitoring well, but nuclear regulators said the public isn't at risk.  Officials reported on Friday that water contaminated by tritium leaked into the groundwater under the facility. The contamination has reportedly remained contained to the site. 


Underground water is not stagnant; it moves.  The question is: how fast and where to?  Moreover, why did it leak? 

Q. I understand there was “almost” a mass-casualty shootout in New Orleans over the weekend?  (Timmy ~ Laredo, TX)     
A. A scumbag felon with a gun opened fire on a group of ATV riders, one of which was carrying a concealed weapon.  The good guy fired back, wounding the bad guy and putting an end to the shooting spree. 

Q. Are gun sales continuing at high rates like they did in December?  (Stanley ~ Fernley, NV)
A. January wasn’t quite as good as December, but better than January 2015.   This is the ninth record-setting month in a row and the third month in a row with more than 2 million background checks.  It is widely believed that the actual number of guns sold is much higher than the number of background checks. 

Q. I understand that Amarillo, Texas is having all kinds of problems with refugees?  (Vance ~ Rancho Santa Fe, CA)
A. Refugees have been given preferential treatment ahead of Americans to get benefits.  There is a huge language problem in the schools and with emergency services.  Crime rates have soared, making Amarillo the firth most dangerous city in Texas with one of the highest rape rates in the country.  And, Obama is just getting started with this crap. 


“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” ~ Lyndon B. Johnson


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