Tuesday, February 9, 2016


WSB-TV in Atlanta reports their investigation discovered a leaked secret document showing a spike in people who are from terrorist nations illegally crossing our country’s southern border.   

Surely, none of them would do us any harm, would they?   I mean, you’re not one of those “Islamophobes” are you?  Fear not; they’re here to protect us.  Yes, siree.  That’s actually probably why Obama is cutting border surveillance in half. 
Q. I understand Obama wants to add a $10 per barrel oil tax?  (Cleotis ~ Baton Rouge, LA)
A. Correct.   He needs the money to fund his global-warming agendas. 

Q. What was the ruckus about the audience at the Saturday night debates?  (Jewel ~ Chicago, IL)
A. All of the audience tickets for the debate had been allocated to establishment donors who were obviously anti-Trump, anti-Cruz, etc.  Trump called them down on it and got booed.  Ben Carson said after the debate, “Do I recognize that we have big money involved in just about everything that has to do with politics? Absolutely. Do I detest that? Absolutely. As president, I wouldn’t deal with them either. Obviously, if that is in fact true, I think that’s problematic.” 

Q. Did Carson give Cruz the ultimate put-down during the debates or not?  (Candy ~ Pocatello, ID)
A. He was talking about the Cruz ploy in Iowa to claim that Carson was dropping out of the race when, in fact, he wasn’t.  He said that Cruz’s Washington ethics are not his ethics. “We can see what happened, everybody can see what happened and you can make your own judgment.”  Cruz could not muster a comeback. 

“I would like to electrocute everyone who uses the word ‘fair’ in connection with income tax policies.” ~ William F. Buckley Jr. 


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