Thursday, February 11, 2016


Not only did Hillary get trounced by Bernie in New Hampshire Tuesday, but news leaked out that up to 30 people were sending highly sensitive, classified emails through her private server.  The latest revelation came almost immediately after she got caught in another lie claiming that she was certainly not under investigation, which in turn was followed by an FBI release stating that yes, she is.   

It’s probably too early to say she’s toast as far as her political aspirations are concerned; maybe Bernie Sanders would like to hire her as his I.T. Director?
Q. Two cops got killed in Maryland.  I suppose Obama will keep his mouth shut because he doesn’t like cops?  (Merle ~ San Luis Obispo, CA)
A. The shooter never should have had a gun in the first place; he had a long criminal history and was wanted in two states.  If Obama doesn’t say anything, it’ll be because he doesn’t want to admit that his illustrious gun control plans only keep guns out of the hands of the innocent.   

Q. I hear there’s a war going on at FOX between Megyn Kelly and Bill O’Reilly?  (Rochelle ~ Ogden, UT)
A. Kelly has been acting like a pompous goddess ever since the FOX NEWS hierarchy backed her up over the now infamous Trump showdown.  Right after the Super Bowl, she appeared on the Steven Colbert show and took a shot at O’Reilly.  She’s having a major attack of the “My Poop Doesn’t Stink Syndrome.”   O’Reilly, who nurtured her along in her early days at FOX, is livid. 

Q. Whatever happened with that North Korean ICBM launch?  (Norman ~ Larkspur, CA)
A. You will recall the North Koreans were insisting it was a satellite launch; it turns out, that was true.  But, the satellite is useless for anything as it is tumbling through its orbit.  The missile used to launch it, however, has proven itself to be capable of carrying a nuclear warhead to the United States.                 

“People say satire is dead.  It’s not dead; it’s alive and living in the White House.” ~ Robin Williams


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