Friday, February 26, 2016


An armed robber accosted a man in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota and got the surprise of his life: the intended victim was carrying a licensed concealed gun.  Instead of getting cash or jewelry, the robber lost his life in a resulting gun battle. 

Here are the facts: illegal immigrants, many of them criminals, are flocking into our country and they don’t have any sources of income.  Middle Eastern “refugees” are arriving daily and they don’t have jobs.  Money crimes are going to go up… strong-armed robberies, burglaries and the like.  Add that to the threat of terrorism in the country and we have a very strong case for arming ourselves.  Cops can’t be everywhere; they are usually five or more minutes away.  How many shots can a thug fire at you in five minutes? 
Q. How do you feel about Nevada’s Governor Brian Sandoval as a Supreme Court nominee?  (Felix ~ Reno, NV)
A. Republican or not, if Harry Reid likes him, that surely is bad news; I’d rather support Jesse Jackson.  Sandoval evidently feels the same way; he’s said he’d decline such a nomination from Obama.    

Q. Almost every day, the news regarding Hillary’s emails gets worse.  Are they ever going to indict her?  (Lucretia ~ Houston, TX)
A. They’ve reportedly had over 100 FBI agents investigating her for months now.  They’ve investigated her emails, her ties to the Clinton Foundation, her aides…. You’d think by now that this many agents working for this long would be able to put her away for years.  Yet, there’s still nothing.  And she continues to run, unchecked and unfettered.  Doesn’t it all sound like a sham to you?  Maybe the Grimms are busy writing another fairy tale? 

Q. I hear that the first uterus transplant has been achieved in Ohio.  I don’t understand why one would need a uterus transplant.  (Myrna ~ Compton, CA)
A. What if your name was Caitlyn Jenner? 

“You may not be able to read a doctor’s handwriting and prescription, but you’ll notice his bills are neatly typewritten.” ~ Earl Wilson

TODAY’S VIDEO:              

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