Friday, February 12, 2016


The NEW YORK TIMES is reporting that the worldwide economy is on the precipice of collapse under the weight of trillions of dollars in toxic loans, somewhat akin to what happened in the U.S. in 2008.  For years, the Fed and other central banks have poured trillions in easy, low-interest money into the world economies, and now many of those loans are about to go bust.  Such toxic loans around the world could take down the global economy. 


Buy gold today.  Buy gold and send it to me for safekeeping in my basement.  You’ll be glad you did, and so will I. 

Q. What’s the ruckus about an Air Force General fainting?  (Julie ~ Issaquah, WA)
A. General James Martin Jr. was at the podium and about so speak regarding the proposed military budget when he had a dizzy spell.  Evidently, this humongous amount of money that Obama wants to spend has even the military heads spinning in embarrassment. But, fear not; Congress will pass it. 

Q. What is SWATting?  (Horace ~ Phoenix, AZ)
A. It is a technique being used mostly by the anti-gun movement, but also by IRS scammers, where they call 911 and claim there have been gunshots or that there is violence going on at some innocent victim’s address.  The cops show up in force, usually with a SWAT team, and the unsuspecting gun owner or the non-compliant IRS scam-target take the brunt of it.  Scary, isn’t it?  Whatever you do, don’t tick off a thug.   

Q. I hear Ted Cruz is making every effort to antagonize Donald Trump, as if Cruz was the only guy in the country who can stop Trump?  (LaVerna ~ Colfax, CA)
A. Cruz has called Trump out, saying, “It’s me vs. Trump at this point.”  Look for some wild action on the streets of Tombstone, Arizona in the near future.  Doc Holliday is probably rolling over in his grave as you read this. My God, man!  Hasn't Cruz ever heard of John Kasich? 


“It’s time we passed a balanced budget amendment and return this government to limited spending.” ~ Newt Gingrich


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