Friday, February 19, 2016


South Carolina’s Governor Nikki Haley endorsed Marco Rubio for the presidency Wednesday. 
So what does that mean?  People in South Carolina are not too happy with our wide-open borders, particularly when it comes to Muslims.  But Haley, a Republican, says she is a solid supporter of Obama’s drive to convert millions of recent immigrants into “new Americans,” by using not only the United Nations refugee pipeline but also a steady influx of illegal immigrants from Central America.  She’s even being sued by those who disagree with her, to halt all resettlement of refugees in South Carolina “until a full accounting of any and all federal money used in this program and specifically where it was allocated and how allocated (and) in which counties.”  Now, about Rubio’s stance on illegal immigrants… “We are not going to round up and deport 12 million people, but we're not going to hand out citizenship cards, either,” Rubio said at last week's GOP debate.  I guess he intends to keep them here in limbo?
Q. Why is Apple refusing to comply with a legal court order to help the FBI get into the contents of the terrorist’s phone?  (Bernadette ~ Willamette, OR)   
A. I agree that we need to crack that phone, no matter what.  But, as a matter of law, the government has no constitutional authority to order you to do what it orders you to do; that’s tantamount to totalitarian dictatorship.  Besides, if the government succeeds and Apple gets them into that phone, then terrorists will quit buying Apple phones and Apple’s profits will go down. 

Q. Why is Obama so insensitive that he won’t attend Scalia’s funeral?   (Orv ~ Lancaster, PA)
A. They’re making such a big deal over this; it doesn’t matter.  I believe that if you don’t really want to attend someone’s funeral, then you shouldn’t.  As an example, if Obama were to die tomorrow, no one would attend his funeral because they’d all be busy dancing in the streets. 

Q. Is Trump going to lose South Carolina?  I understand there is a Wall Street Journal – NBC poll showing Cruz leading Trump by 28% to 26%? (Buddy ~ Auburn, CA)                                         
A. That poll is very suspect, as far as I am concerned; they must have canvassed attendees at a Cruz rally.  All of the other legitimate polls have Trump about 20 percentage points ahead of Cruz. 

“Trump is the first presidential candidate in 50 years who might conceivably: (1) deport illegal aliens, (2) build a wall, (3) block Muslim immigration, (4) flout political correctness, (5) bring manufacturing home, and (6) end the GOP's neurotic compulsion to start wars in some godforsaken part of the world.” ~ Ann Coulter


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