Monday, February 29, 2016

FOX NEWS, RUBIO SUPPORT TOTAL AMNESTY is reporting Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes of FOX NEWS, colluded with Marco Rubio and Senator Chuck Schumer back in 2013 to give amnesty to illegal aliens.  They even went so far as to ask Rush Limbaugh to go along with the plan and approached conservative radio hosts Mark Levin and Laura Ingraham for support; they wanted the news giants to keep the plan out of the news because they didn’t want grassroots Republicans to hear about it.    

The news about FOX and about Marco Rubio just keeps getting uglier and uglier. Although I knew of Rubio’s stance, a few weeks ago I had total confidence and trust in FOX as being “fair and balanced.”  What a farce that has turned out to be.  Truly, things in America are not always what they appear to be. 
Q. Did I hear something about Al Sharpton leaving the country?  (Mo ~ Yreka, CA)
A. He told a crowd last week that he was afraid if Trump gets elected, he might get deported.  The crowd erupted in cheers. 

Q. With it appearing more and more likely that Trump will win the Republican nomination, what will be the establishment’s next dumb move to try and stop him?  (Bill ~ Bremerton, WA)
A. They’re talking about putting up Rubio or Romney on an independent ticket.  In short, they’re prepared to let Clinton have the presidency before they’re willing to let Trump win it.  And they’re making it totally obvious that they don’t give a damn what party members want. 

Q. I think these last few weeks have proven Cruz to be fully of political tricks that defy any kind of ethics or proper behavior.  How can he still be running?  (Lilly ~ Toppenish, OR)
A. The latest one is even worse.  Yesterday he accused Trump of refusing to disclose his tax returns because The Donald is hiding Mafia connections.  Now, we know that’s an outright lie and an outright slander because if there were some association, Trump surely wouldn’t let the I.R.S. in on the secret, so it’s just not there.  It’s beyond the pale of being politically dirty, and this type of allegation coming on the verge of Super Tuesday is exactly why I would not vote if Cruz was on the ticket.  I can’t image what garbage he would pull if he were to become president. 

“Slander is worse than cannibalism.” ~ John Chrysostom


Saturday, February 27, 2016


You may have thought that everything was rosy at the V.A. now that Obama straightened everything out.  The Inspectors General at the V.A. were tasked with verifying the problems and recommending solutions, but we now learn that they have NOT investigated claims of problems made by whistle blowers; in fact, they have participated in trying to discredit the whistle blowers and have done nothing… absolutely nothing… to improve things at the V.A. 

We should be ashamed of ourselves for treating those who have defended our honor and our country with their lives like second and third class citizens.  We treat criminal illegals better than we treat our vets. 
Q. What do you think of the Thursday night Republican debates?  (Benji ~ Pueblo, CO)
A. CNN pretended to preside; they lost control of the process from the beginning.  They allowed Trump, Cruz and Rubio to dominate the debates, almost to the exclusion of any input from Carson or Kasich.  Cruz is off my list of viable candidates and Rubio is close to being off as well; I was really hoping to get a better look at both Carson and Kasich, but the CNN process didn’t allow me that luxury.  Both Rubio and Cruz, in their failed attempts to gain back some momentum from Trump, made total fools of themselves.  Rubio made it totally clear that he is part of the establishment, and in that sense he destroyed his chances in my mind.  Trump behaved much better than he has in the past and, in my opinion, won the debate.  At this point, my list of candidates is, in order:  Trump and Carson, followed by establishment members Kasich and Rubio, and finally by Cruz. 

Q. Do you think, as Rubio suggests, that Trump is a “con artist?  (Shelby ~ Reno, NV)
A. That’s a great tag, especially coming from a candidate who has a track record of speaking his well-rehearsed and memorized spiels over, and over, and over again.  That is the epitome of acting like a “con artist.” 

Q. How do you feel about Christie endorsing Trump?  (Ivana ~ Schenectady, NY)
A. I stand corrected: Christie is not as dumb as he looks. 

“Can somebody attack me, please?” ~ Ben Carson at the CNN Debate


Friday, February 26, 2016


An armed robber accosted a man in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota and got the surprise of his life: the intended victim was carrying a licensed concealed gun.  Instead of getting cash or jewelry, the robber lost his life in a resulting gun battle. 

Here are the facts: illegal immigrants, many of them criminals, are flocking into our country and they don’t have any sources of income.  Middle Eastern “refugees” are arriving daily and they don’t have jobs.  Money crimes are going to go up… strong-armed robberies, burglaries and the like.  Add that to the threat of terrorism in the country and we have a very strong case for arming ourselves.  Cops can’t be everywhere; they are usually five or more minutes away.  How many shots can a thug fire at you in five minutes? 
Q. How do you feel about Nevada’s Governor Brian Sandoval as a Supreme Court nominee?  (Felix ~ Reno, NV)
A. Republican or not, if Harry Reid likes him, that surely is bad news; I’d rather support Jesse Jackson.  Sandoval evidently feels the same way; he’s said he’d decline such a nomination from Obama.    

Q. Almost every day, the news regarding Hillary’s emails gets worse.  Are they ever going to indict her?  (Lucretia ~ Houston, TX)
A. They’ve reportedly had over 100 FBI agents investigating her for months now.  They’ve investigated her emails, her ties to the Clinton Foundation, her aides…. You’d think by now that this many agents working for this long would be able to put her away for years.  Yet, there’s still nothing.  And she continues to run, unchecked and unfettered.  Doesn’t it all sound like a sham to you?  Maybe the Grimms are busy writing another fairy tale? 

Q. I hear that the first uterus transplant has been achieved in Ohio.  I don’t understand why one would need a uterus transplant.  (Myrna ~ Compton, CA)
A. What if your name was Caitlyn Jenner? 

“You may not be able to read a doctor’s handwriting and prescription, but you’ll notice his bills are neatly typewritten.” ~ Earl Wilson

TODAY’S VIDEO:              

Thursday, February 25, 2016


FOX NEWS, which prides itself on being “fair and balanced,” has solidly backed host Megyn Kelly in her personal fight with Donald Trump.  There have also been circulating stories about a FOX attempt to make Rubio look good and Trump not so good.  Yesterday, it was learned that FOX NEWS owner Rupert Murdoch is attending a $2,700-a-plate fundraiser Tuesday in London for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. 

So much for “fair and balanced.” As for the people who continue to work there, I've lost all respect for their "journalism."
Q. Why did an entire restaurant staff refuse service to a cop?  (Leonora ~ Tremonton, UT)
A. The cop in Irondale, Alabama, was refused service in a Krystal Fast Food restaurant.  To my knowledge, race was not an issue and his uniform was clean and neat.  The chain apologized, but there has to be something in the operating culture of the chain management that led to this shameful, shabby treatment.     

Q. Every day we hear horrible stories about how extensive and oppressive government regulations are stifling our economy and driving small businesses out of the marketplace.  How can we stop this?  (Judith ~ Norfolk, VA)
A. Vote every incumbent Member of Congress out of office in November.  It’s time to rebel.

Q. Do drones have any real and practical civilian applications?  (Blythe ~ Mobile, AL)
A. Take a farmer with 640 acres: drones can go out and check his fence line, check ditch lines and irrigation pipes, watch for evidence of crop-killing insects and keep out trespassers.  They can also come in handy for checking out that cute little farmer’s daughter next door.

“We are being robbed of an essential human right: to define our own destiny, to have the opportunity to strive for a better life, to live free from the immoral constraints of oppressive elites.” ~ Jeff Atwater, Florida State CFO                                      


Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Virtually everyone in the Republican establishment is now rallying around Rubio and telling Cruz, Kasich and Carson to get out; get out immediately.  That way, they conjure; Rubio will get all of their supporters, giving Rubio 60% of the voters and Trump 40%. 

As I said last year when this all started, they will do anything and everything to keep someone they cannot totally control from getting the nomination.  Trump needs to tone down his rhetoric and concentrate on building his base. 

Q. Out of the five remaining GOP candidates, are there any you would not vote for in the general election?  (Loraine ~ Stateline, NV)   
A. Ted Cruz; he has recently, by his actions, proven himself to be of no different in principle and ethics than the rest of the hacks in Washington. 
Q. Megyn Kelly is hosting a Town Hall March 3rd on behalf of FOX NEWS and Trump is not attending.  So, the feud continues?  (Marlin ~ Albuquerque, NM)
A. Trump says they just scheduled the Town Hall and he has commitments he cannot change.  Nevertheless, we both know she would do anything and everything to undercut him.  She is not capable of conducting herself “fair and balanced” when it comes to Trump; just about everyone else at FOX is now in the pocket of Rubio, as is the Republican “establishment.”   

Q. How does NASA intend to get an astronaut to Mars within three days?  (Marina ~ Lancaster, CA)
A. They’re talking about a new laser technology, where the space ship is fitted with a sail and earth-based lasers fire at it, causing it to speed along.   Up until now, there’s been no real rush to develop such technology; they first have to develop a safe way to keep space objects from crashing into a space ship at such high speeds and blowing it up.  But, Obama is wanting to get as far away as possible and as quickly as he can after he announced plans to release more terrorists and close Gitmo.

“Obama is a tyrant in the same way FDR was a tyrant.  He has a view of presidential power that states: the government is in control of the country and the president is in charge of the government.  He’s taken an imperial view of the presidency.” ~ David Mamet