Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Here we are with another admission of culpable wrongdoing by a top agency of the Federal Government.  Eric Holder had a press conference yesterday defending his agency against the seizure of phone records, cell phone records, emails and other information regarding the Associated Press, its reporters and its managing officers without warrants and without advance notice as required under the law.   He spent the time insisting that there had been a serious national security leak and that his people were totally justified in doing what they did.   

In the meantime, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney was on the defensive in his daily briefing regarding the exploding I.R.S. scandal and Obama’s assertion Monday that he didn’t know anything about it until he had read it in the papers, although the White House Legal Counsel had been notified many days before.  The tentacles of the illicit scheme reach at least into the top levels of the I.R.S. in Washington, DC.  Of course, Obama and Carney both claim the Benghazi story is over and has become a Republican political vendetta.    

I suppose disregard for the law in going after the AP is negligible in the overall Obama scheme of things.  I cannot fathom the White House Legal Counsel knowing of an impending scandal of the I.R.S. size without telling his boss.  If the Benghazi story is over, why won’t the administration allow witnesses to be named and to testify?  Once again, the White House is not to blame; all of the evidence being to the contrary, it’s always someone else’s fault. 

Q. Has anybody besides the Tea Parties and Patriot groups been scrutinized for audit by the IRS?  (Josefina ~ Foster City, CA)
A. The internal I.G. timeline shows a unit in the agency was looking at Tea Party and “patriot” groups dating back to early 2010.  But it also shows that list of criteria drastically expanding by the time a June 2011 briefing was held. It then included groups focused on government spending, government debt, taxes, and education on ways to “make America a better place to live.” It even flagged groups whose file included criticism of “how the country is being run.”  By early 2012, the criteria were updated to include organizations involved in “limiting/expanding government,” education on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and social economic reform.  In other words, unless you’re a flaming liberal, your odds of being audited are way up; the KGB will be watching.  And aren’t you pleased that the I.R.S. is in charge of ObamaCare? 

Q. Do you think any heads will roll at the I.R.S.?  (Sig ~ Spokane, WA)
A. Possibly, but keep in mind that once fired, they might testify against the Administration in a Congressional investigation.  Cleta Mitchell, one of Washington's most respected elections attorneys, told NEWSMAX she has tangible proof that high-ranking IRS officials in Washington were fully aware of the agency's campaign to target conservative groups for heightened scrutiny, despite their denials.  She also thinks the President was aware of it for some period of time. 

Q. Why do you believe Obama should be impeached?  (Manuel ~ Clovis, NM)
A. Win, lose or draw, I believe an impeachment process is the only way we will ever get at the truth.  Obama and Holder with otherwise not allow the proof to come out.  If, as we all suspect, Obama had personal knowledge of Fast & Furious, the I.R.S. scandal, the A.P. scandal and/or the facts about Benghazi and he did nothing about it, those are impeachable offenses.  I have a strong feeling that, not only will he go down in history as being the first black President, but also as the first black President to be impeached and removed from office. 

“The only conduct that merits the drastic remedy of impeachment is that which subverts our system of government or renders the president unfit or unable to govern.” ~ Charles Ruff


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