Thursday, May 30, 2013


Back in 1937, famous female aviator Amelia Earhart disappeared during an attempt to fly around the world at the Equator.  There have been countless theories as to her disappearance, including one that pictured her as a war spy.  Now, The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR), which has long been investigating Earhart's last flight, is releasing images that show an "anomaly" resting at the depth of about 600 feet in the waters off Nikumaroro island, some 350 miles southeast of Earhart's target destination, Howland Island.  A number of artifacts recovered by TIGHAR during 10 expeditions have suggested that Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, made a forced landing on the island's smooth, flat coral reef. Gillespie and his team believe the two became castaways and eventually died there. 

If proven to be correct, that kills my theory that she, Noonan, Wiley Post and Will Rogers were all shacked up together at the El Cortez Hotel in Las Vegas. 

Q. I heard something yesterday about Obama wanting to sell something called TVA and that a lot of people are against it.  Can you fill me in?  (Gordy ~ Redding, CA)
A. TVA is the acronym for Tennessee Valley Authority.  Franklin Roosevelt invented the agency back around 1933 to bring electricity into the poverty-stricken middle-south states and, hopefully, to kick off the economy in the area.  Still government owned and operated, it is some $25 billion in debt, (every business the government runs is billions of dollars in debt,) and Obama wants to sell it off and claim a debt reduction.  Those against the sale are afraid rates will go up.  My position is that the government should not be in business in any way shape or form, and that it should rid itself of the post office, Amtrak, et al, and ASAP. 

Q. I know that China has been making overt attempts to gain absolute control over the South China Sea lately, but are there any recent developments?  (Chloe ~ Boulder City, NV)
A. An encounter early this month between a Taiwanese fishing boat and a Filipino Coast Guard vessel has raised tensions to a boiling point between the two countries.  The Filipino vessel evidently fired off a round or two at the Taiwanese boat and killed an elderly fisherman on board. 

Q. I cannot believe my ears!  The Democrats and the Tea Party are colluding on something?  (Brian ~ Albuquerque, NM)
A. It appears that certain lawmakers in Texas and South Carolina are trying to gain special privileges for themselves or for their government agencies when it comes to guns... privileges not to be given to the general public.  In Texas, the House defeated a measure on Sunday that would have given prosecuting attorneys and lawmakers permission to carry guns anywhere they wanted to in the state.  Just about every state has rules stipulating where a concealed weapon cannot be carried, such as a bar or a statehouse.  I guess it’s back to that old IRS adage: Rank has its privilege. 

“Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility.” ~ Peter Drucker


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