Monday, May 27, 2013


Iran has been building missile launchers capable of launching missiles to a distance of 1,200 miles.  These missiles are capable to reaching Israel and U.S. bases in the region.  In acknowledging the buildup, Iran says it is now able to “crush the enemy.” 

With all of these bad rumbles in the Middle East and Korean Peninsula, one really has to wonder why Obama is so hell-bent on reduction of our defense capabilities. It's almost as if he's daring our enemies to do something. 

Q. In Roberts, Idaho, they had crosses displayed on their water tower.  Some anti-U.S. bigot filed an objection based on separation of church and state.  The city responded that any religious symbol was welcome on their water tower as long as it was not offensive.  The bigot went to the A.C.L.U. and the city took down the cross.  What’s your opinion on that?  (Kris ~ Rupert, ID)
A. So you have one bigot telling a whole town how to run its government and you have the same town willing to comply.  What is wrong with this picture and why doesn’t somebody do something about it?   

Q. The Feds have executed their vendetta against Sheriff Joe Arpaio.  What’s your opinion? (Kelley ~ Santa Ana, CA)
A. This is just one more of countless examples of intimidation and oppression being exerted by the Obama Administration.  The mentality is this: if they’ll go after Arpaio, they’ll go after Benghazi witnesses, they’ll target media and press reporters who write unfavorable articles, they’ll sick the I.R.S. onto organizations they do not like, they’ll refuse E.P.A. clearances on businesses they don’t like, and they’ll use ObamaCare to cut off medical assistance to anyone who doesn’t vote a straight party ticket.  Welcome to what our country has allowed itself to become.   

Q. My thoughts are that when you have gangster-style activity going on in one agency, you can maybe lay the blame on that agency; but, when you have the same style activity going on in several government agencies, you have to conclude that it starts at the very top.  Do you agree?  (Carlotta ~ Los Alamos, NM)
A. Absolutely.  First we had “Tricky Dick,” and now we have “The Ultimate Don.”

“I have built my organization upon fear.” ~ Al Capone


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