Sunday, May 5, 2013


The word is easy enough to say, but it is going to price millions of people out of insurance altogether.  The fact is that the government has never… NEVER come close to predicting the real cost of anything… ANYTHING it has done.  Look at the Post Office.  Look at Amtrak.  But, that’s just the money the government is going to spend: NEWSMAX is forecasting a 32% increase in medical claims payouts; $434 to expand Medicaid; $465 for insurance exchanges; $210 billion in hospital insurance taxes; $65 billion in penalties paid by those with no coverage; $757 million to label restaurant menus.  There will be new fees on pharmaceutical and health insurance providers that will be passed on to the consumer.  Any so-called “Cadillac” insurance will be taxed at 40%.  55,000 new full-time employees will be hired to handle the paperwork, and the costs of paperwork have already increased to $31 billion.  All of these expenses will ultimately end up in your lap. 

If you take the average retiree who is on Medicare with some form of supplemental insurance, his costs have already gone up by 25% to 50% and are going to rise another 25% to 50% next year.  Not only are more doctors and clinics starting to refuse Medicare and Medicaid patients, fewer and fewer are entering into medical colleges; anyone can see the end result is going to be skyrocketing costs of service, where you can find it.  We also must recognize that revenues are going to be lower than forecast; that, in turn, means higher premiums.  The unfortunate bottom line is that millions of people now insured are not going to be able to afford continuing coverage.  In one way or another, they will either end up on the public dole or be denied medical care.  How can our members of Congress even think about sleeping at night, considering what they have done to us? 

Q. Why don’t you have anything good to say about the improvements in the economy?  (Damaso ~ Cottonwood, AZ)
A. Because there ARE no improvements.  Stock market is up, so is inflation.  Unemployment is down, but the number of people unemployed and who have given up is soaring.  What hiring is occurring is going on in the government sector, not the private.  Certainly, not everything is as rosy as they would have you believe.  And the real costs of ObamaCare are not going to kick in until the latter half of the year. 

Q. There’s talk about banning certain fertilizers because they can be used to make bombs.  What will that mean for the food chain?  (Van ~ Riverbank, CA)
A. Much higher prices.  Farmers will have to spend more money on less effective fertilizers.  They might even have to invite some liberals over to fertilize their fields. 

Q. Anything more on the move by big labor to get rid of secret balloting in union elections?  (Heidi ~ Mount Vernon, WA)
A. Unions continue to hammer at demands for open balloting so they can intimidate workers into voting along straight union lines.  The unions are facing declining membership, which in turn means declining revenues.  But the high costs of union labor during a declining economy are too big a burden to overcome and this is leading to “union busting.”  Something has to give, and the average guy like you and me just simply doesn’t have any more to give. 

“The way things are going, we are not too far from the day when it will take an hour's labor just to pay for the gasoline to get to the job.” ~ Sherwood Boehlert


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