Monday, May 20, 2013


Inside reports from the White House are that Susan Rice is in line to be promoted as the next National Security Advisor.  Rice’s intentions to be Secretary of State were sidetracked by her September insistence that the Benghazi Massacre occurred as a result of an anti-Muslim video in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary. 

I said at the time that she would end up getting a big raise for doing what she was told to do by the White House.  Obviously, I was correct.  This simply amounts to another flip of the finger by the White House to the deaths of our Ambassador and three others at Benghazi and to those of us who care. 

Q. [Yesterday], Senior White House Advisor Daniel Pfeiffer made the circuit of news talk shows and poo-pahed any notion that Obama knew of the impending I.R.S. scandal and insisted that, if any laws were broken, it doesn’t make any difference.  I cannot believe the audacity of this White House.  (Gina ~ Irvine, CA)
A. It does sound like Susan Rice’s tour of the news talk shows right after the Benghazi Massacre, doesn’t it?  Deny, deny, deny and try to change the subject?  The only thing missing here is a weekend trip by Obama to Las Vegas.  Pfeiffer did say the Republicans owe Rice an apology and that it was “irrelevant” what Obama was doing while the attacks were ongoing.  Yeah, right.  Oh well, the Tea Parties and the Associated Press are getting a recharge out of all of this…

Q. What effect will the Russian build-up of the Assad-Syrian military have on a resolution to that problem?  (Kerry ~ Beaverton, OR)
A. It makes things much more difficult.  For one thing, the Russians are now controlling the Mediterranean with their navy.  Russian supplied anti-ship missiles could be used to break an embargo against Syria, as well as to stop supplies for the rebels.  I have a distinct feeling this is going to be a long, hot summer… everywhere.

Q. Senator Bob Corker has been trying to get answers from the Obama Administration about secret government payoffs to Afghanistan leader Hamid Karzai.  Is he making any progress?  (Irv ~ Missoula, MT)
A. Not much.  He first got a reply that the issue was none of his business, but now they have admitted the payments have been ongoing for over ten years, laying the blame for the payments on the Bush Administration.  Of course, they could have been stopped by Obama, and should have been because they open the door for corruption; there is no accounting or the funds.  Thank God the Obama Administration is as honest as the day is long, right? 

“There was a hateful video that was disseminated on the internet. It had nothing to do with the United States government and it's one that we find disgusting and reprehensible. It's been offensive to many, many people around the world.” ~ Susan Rice


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