Thursday, May 23, 2013


Warren Buffet, John Paulson and George Soros are selling, literally dumping their shares in U.S. companies.  The reason may be that specific research points toward a massive market correction, as much as 90%. 


Massive inflation looms when the effect of the printing of more money by the Treasury reaches consumer markets.  This means Americans can afford to buy even less than they are now.  Interest rates will soar, meaning the real estate market will tighten up, and the combination of these factors will lead to an inevitable stock market crash.  When these three money moguls are dumping stocks at this time, that means trouble is just around the corner.  Hopefully, we won’t all be reduced to eating sweet bippies. 


Q. Do you honestly believe that Obama was actually outraged at the I.R.S. news?  (Julie ~ Mission Viejo, CA)
A. Yes, but not in the way you think.  I believe he was outraged because the substance of his real agenda for change in this country is now out in the open. 

Q. If, as she stated, Lois Lerner has not lied, has told the truth and has abided by the laws as she alleged yesterday to Congress, why does she need to use the Fifth Amendment?  (Robert ~ Lakeview, OR)
A. Because there could now be questions to which, should she answer truthfully, would bring further discredit to the White House and she was probably told to take the Fifth by someone in the White House or to face their consequences.  The Administration is already known for threatening witnesses in the Benghazi Massacre investigation. 

Q. Will there be more to come from witnesses in the Benghazi scandal?  (Bernice ~ Elko, NV)
A. The word is that some new witnesses are obtaining legal counsel and will testify soon.  According to sources, the testimony will center on why Ambassador Stevens was even at Benghazi as well as who ordered General Carter Ham not to send help during the massacre and the reasons why.  That should really be interesting and probably damaging testimony. 

“Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practice to deceive.”
- Sir Walter Scott


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