Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Word is that Assad is moving chemical weapons in Syria and preparing to use them.  President Obama issued a very strong warning to Assad yesterday that the United States will not tolerate the use of chemical weapons in Syria and that we will react if it happens. 

Maybe we’ll send in the same troops we sent to save the U.S. Ambassador at Benghazi. 

Q. There’s more and more talk about going ahead with going over the fiscal cliff.  What do you think?  (Moreland ~ Salem, OR)
A. Neither side has the guts to go over the fiscal cliff.  All this talk is a bunch of hot air and I’m so sick and tired of hearing about it.  Can’t we talk about Fast & Furious or Benghazi instead? 

Q. There’s a move on to deny veterans who are deemed too mentally incompetent to handle their own financial affairs the right to own or carry a gun.  What is your opinion?  (Calvin ~ Taos, NM)
A. I tend to agree with that.  Mind you, I am a life member of the NRA and very protective of gun rights.  But, I also recognize that there are some people who should not own or carry a gun, including ex-felons, psychopaths, people who don’t know right from wrong, and people who lack the fundamental judgment as to when the use of a gun is appropriate.  Virtually every gun crime or tragedy involves one of the above. 

Q. A sportscaster, Bob Costas, went on a “let’s get rid of guns” rant during Sunday Night Football.  Is this a sign of things to come?  (Kerry ~ Hobbs, NM)
A. Undoubtedly.  But, he is wrong in saying that if the perpetrator had not had a gun, the crime would not have occurred.  Murders and mayhem have been going on ever since the creation of mankind, long before guns were invented.  In fact, the higher the number of people possessing guns in a community, the lower the violent crime rate.  That’s an FBI statistic, by the way. 

I grew up in a tough neighborhood and we used to say you can get further with a kind word and a gun than just a kind word.” ~ David Mamet


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