Saturday, December 1, 2012


Those stuck in the aftermath of Sandy remember well Obama’s promises that FEMA would be there to help and there would be no red tape this time.  Not under his watch.  Now that the election is over and Obama won reelection, however, Obama’s promises are proving to be empty.  At a recent Town Hall meeting, some 1,000 people who were initially scheduled to submit written questions that would be picked and answered at random, turned into an angry mob where residents booed FEMA officials and accused them of lying.  Power continues to be out in many areas and residents are being put through mountains of government red tape in order to get assistance with their issues.  FEMA’s response is that they are working as fast as they can and with as little red tape as possible.  In other words, "T.S."

And this, my friends, is how things happen in a Socialist country.  When will this country ever learn?  Mohammed Obama is famous for promising the country anything, anything the people want so he can get what HE wants.  Once he gets what HE wants, screw anybody else. 
Q. I don’t understand why it is so difficult to compromise, like on the fiscal cliff.  (Joseph ~ Hemet, CA)
A. Well, here’s how it should work.  You have the Republicans who believe we should spend less by cutting programs that are not really necessary for the country, kind of like cutting out going to dinner one night a week or getting rid of one of the cell phones in the house.  Then, you have the Democrats who believe in taxing more.  In compromise, knowing that you need to create more cash in the household with which to pay down debt, the Republicans agree to some tax increases that won’t really hurt the economy and the Democrats agree to some spending cuts that will not really adversely impact what needed services the government provides.  What we have had for the last four years, and are continuing to have, is that the Democrats are refusing compromise on anything.  They will not even discuss some budgetary cuts; they want only tax increases and even some increase in spending.  This will not solve the problem, but we have a stalemate, created by the Democrats.  Whenever there is some compromise, it has always been the Republicans who caved in; the Democrats have never given an inch over the last four years.  We reelected a President who should have the leadership skills to create or force compromise, but who believes he is Mohammed and that his way is the only way and that his will and only his will, will be done.  

Q. Is there any way we can force government to quit spending money and get our debt in line?  (Federico ~ Antelope, CA)
A. Several ways, starting off with electing people who are willing to do what is necessary; but, we had our chance already and we blew it.  We could quit paying taxes; that would force them to quit spending and would certainly gain their immediate attention.  They can’t jail all of us.  We could pass a balanced budget amendment.   I like option two, a taxpayer’s revolt.  You know, if we all quit paying taxes, it doesn’t matter what rate they set. 

Q.  In response to the fiscal cliff, Obama is offering a $1.6 trillion budget, another $500 billion stimulus so more of his friends and associates can get rich, and absolutely no reduction in spending.  I also understand he is demanding Presidential authority to raise the national debt limit whenever he wants to.  What do you say to all of this?  (Ellis ~ Casper, WY)
A. Whatever you want, Mohammed Obama.  Your every wish is our command, (bow required). 

He who allows oppression shares the crime.” ~ Desiderius Erasmus


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