Sunday, December 2, 2012


Although the United Nations has condemned and banned North Korea’s nuclear and long-range missile program, North Korea intends to test its second long-range missile this month.  This will be North Korea's second launch attempt under new leader Kim Jong Un; the first attempt was a failure. 

Well, so what?  Just who is going to do anything about it?  Heads up in Fairbanks!

Q. Why in God’s name is Obama asking for a stimulus when the past ones have failed miserably?  (Ella ~ Concord, CA)
A. Well, he’s listening to the arguments that raising taxes on the rich will put another drag on the economy.  He wants another stimulus to counter that drag.  Why doesn’t he forget the taxes on the rich in the first place?  He campaigned on more taxes for the rich, so he is going to make it happen or he will truly look like the schmuck that he is.  I say, let’s go after loopholes and get rid of them and lets cut out the spending we’re going to do on ObamaCare and let’s see how the dust piles settle then…. Or should I say rock piles?   

Q. Besides buying up foreclosed houses in the U.S., what is China doing with all of our money?  (Lou ~ Kellogg, ID)
A. Believe it or not, their economy is about ready to go down the tubes.  LIGNET is reporting that after several years of massive government stimulus as well as heavy support for the real estate sector, China’s bubble is about ready to burst.  Their stock market has already fallen to 2009 lows.  The ominous things about this news is that (1) China may try to resolve its economic woes, caused by its own stimulus spending and real-estate problems, through military means, and (2) our economy is so closely ties to theirs that their failure could easily cause the worst worldwide depression in history.  But, Obama's not listening, is he?    

Q. America’s seniors are desperately worried about the country going down the fiscal drain.  Are their fears really founded?  (Penny ~ Santa Clara, CA)
A. Who cares?  They’ll all be dead in another 15-20 years, anyway.  Never mind that many of them experienced the Great Depression and have first-hand knowledge of what it is all about, who wants to listen to a bunch of old fogies, anyway?  Besides, I think if the U.S. declares bankruptcy, we won’t have to pay off our credit cards, right? 

“Life was so much simpler when we honored our father and mother instead of Obama, Reid and Pelosi.”  ~ The Unknown Scribbler


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