Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Now that President Obama and Members of Commerce have made it clear that they are going after gun control as a result of the Newtown horror, gun sales are soaring.  Thousands of people have purchased the AR-15, which is tops on the list of guns to be banned.  High capacity magazines for all types of guns are also going like hotcakes at a Boy Scout breakfast sale. 

I agree that every American who is mentally stable and of legal age should buy the gun(s) of their dreams right now.  Even those not so inclined to own guns should consider buying them as an investment; unless badly mistreated, their value does not go down and, given the anti-gun movement, their value is likely to go up as the ability to buy guns becomes more difficult.  I also recommend loading up on ammo.  Ammo doesn’t go bad and one of the tactics of governments is to try and dry up the supply of ammo.  Buy from a reliable gun store and be sure to get instruction on gun safety and proper use of the weapons you purchase. 

Q. [Yesterday] Obama summarily turned down the Republican “Plan B” to raise taxes on those making more than $1 million a year, coupled with plans for further talks to reduce spending, etc after the first of the year.  What’s your reaction to this?  (Parker ~ Prescott, AZ)
A. The pious, dictatorial son-of-a-bitch deserves to rot in hell.  Outside of that, I like him. 

Q. I heard some female Senator yesterday saying in essence that the NRA should be shut down.  Is that going to be their new tactic on gun control?  (Ivan ~ Desert Hot Springs, CA)
A. People who talk like that are dangerous to society.  She should be tucked away into an insane asylum, but I understand mental health issues are not covered under ObamaCare.    

Q. I don’t understand something.  Obama makes these speeches about how we need to cut spending and reduce the debt, and then he wants to add $1.6 trillion to spending and refuses to discuss any cuts.  (Donni ~ Grants Pass, OR)
A. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth.  He speaks with forked tongue.  He’s a pathological liar, a master at manipulation and the worst thing ever to happen to this country.  Outside of that, I still like him.  Maybe he’ll invite me over for a beer in the Rose Garden. 

I am in support of the NRA position on gun control.” ~ William J. Clinton


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