Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Well, I finally dug out from under the snow on Christmas Eve, only to get socked again on Christmas Day.  Do you suppose if I switch to being a registered Democrat I could claim snow removal from my driveway as an entitlement?  If the county plow makes my driveway inaccessible, isn't that a violation of my property rights?  

A Christmas Eve shooting spree in Webster, NY killed two firefighters and sent two others to the hospital before the shooter, William Spangler, shot himself.  He had evidently set fire to his own house to set up the lure and started shooting as firefighters arrived.  Spangler was an ex-convict who had served 11 years for a violent crime. 

So, the gun is to blame for another horrible tragedy.  The fact of the matter is that, being an ex-con, Spangler was not legally in possession of his gun(s); it’s against the law for felons to have guns.  Yet, he did.  The shooter in Connecticut should not technically legally been able to have guns due to his mental condition.  Certainly that was the case in the Colorado movie theater killings and at Fort Hood.  Yet, the looming answer to the problem is to punish those of us legal gun owners who would never hurt a flea for the sins of those illegal gun handlers.  What kind of rationale is that?  Let’s get to the root of the problems and quit addressing the symptoms.  In fact, the real problem is that the liberal thinkers in this country are not capable of dealing with reality.  That's start there, with that fact. 

Q. Your last posting said that you were having snow and were without electricity.  What did you do while you were waiting for it to come back on?  (Leonora ~ Fortuna, CA)
A. I couldn’t cook in the traditional way and had no running water since I use a well.  So, I melted snow and boiled the water for use in cooking hot dogs on my wood stove.  If I had been able to get at my grill, I could have used that, but it also was buried in snow.  My cellphone was dead as was my landline; no TV, laptop computer or light to read by.  It gave me a lot of time to contemplate my navel.    

Q. We’re at the end of the year.  Have you changed your predictions about what will happen with the “fiscal cliff?” ~ (Archie ~ Amarillo, TX)
A. Not really.  The Democrats have been trying to rub the Republican’s noses in poopoo for several decades.  As far as compromise goes, it takes two to tango and the Obamacrats will not budge an inch.  The Republicans will fight it right up until the last minute and then give the enemy everything it wants.  That’s been the history of things for the last four years; the art of compromise has been a one-sided farce for that entire time. 

Q. I remember that France decided to raise its taxes on the rich.  What were the results, or is it too early to judge yet?  (Horrinder ~ Saratoga, CA)
A. While most of France’s population approved of the increases, the wealthy are fleeing in droves.  Some are renouncing citizenship.  What you will see here is declining investment and reinvestment in the American sector as the big money moves to Canada and much more attractive venues.  Then, the whole country will be just like California… Someday, the politicians will have to learn that it is much better to have 25% of a huge pie than 99% of just the crust. 

TODAY’S QUOTE:  (And a very Happy New Year to you, Mr. Twain)
Sometimes too much to drink is barely enough.” ~ Mark Twain


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