Sunday, December 16, 2012


Word was released yesterday that Hillary Clinton fainted and fell, suffering a concussion that will prevent her testimony before the House as scheduled for Thursday. 

Well, oh my.  No news report available as of the time of this posting has identified when or where the fall and resulting concussion occurred.  She was never hospitalized and there’s no word as to when, where, or how she was treated.    You may recall that she disappeared off to Australia and was not available for comment when the Susan Rice debacle occurred.  As I reported yesterday, Rice has withdrawn from consideration for the Secretary of State position.  In a flurry of activity, word has been released over the last 72 hours that the State Department investigation into the Benghazi Massacre will never be made public.  That was followed by word Friday that Clinton “may not” testify as scheduled for Thursday unless she was subpoenaed.  Then we have this “concussion.” I’m not a conspiracy buff, but…….

Q. Even though the election is over, I keep getting calls from various organizations asking for donations to “stop Obama’s socialist agendas,” to “save Social Security and Medicare,” to “get ready for the 2014 campaign), etc.  Somehow, I think these are all rip-offs? (Colleen ~ Everett, WA)
A. Right on!  Most of the money raised by these organizations goes to pay for the fundraising telephone staff and other “administrative expenses” including lavish salaries for the top dogs.  The time to stop Obama’s socialist agenda was before he got reelected.  The thrust of these organizations is that they will do the stopping of whatever if you fork over your money, and then you won’t have to worry about it.  Ha, ha. If it’s important to stop something or support something, it’s important for you to be calling, wiring, faxing, emailing and writing your representatives; they are the ones to do the fixing, and you’re already paying for them through taxes.  

Q. Obama intimated the other day that, as a result of Newtown and other recent tragedies, he’s going after gun laws.  What’s your reaction?  (Geanna ~ Newhall, CA)
A. In the first place, it’s not the gun laws or gun possession by Americans, it is a societal problem.  Other countries, take Israel for instance, virtually have their total populations owning guns and they have far less gun violence than we do.  They also have strong religious principles and sound family structures.  If Obama comes after American guns, he’s literally going to have an American Civil War on his hands. 

Q. How much does it cost to support President Obama and his security team?  (Jethro ~ Golden, CO)
A. About $1.4 billion per year, slightly more than the $60 million the Brits spend on the entire royal family. 

“I wonder how much of that $1.4 billion was spent on hookers in Columbia last year.” ~ Unknown Scribbler regarding Secret Service expenditures. 


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