Monday, December 31, 2012


California Senator Diane Feinstein told Chris Wallace of Fox News yesterday that we knew something would happen at Benghazi but did nothing to prevent it.  “I have gone through the intelligence and there were two full binders of intelligence and there was a great deal of intelligence that would indicate that something well could happen.  It wasn't tactical, it didn't say, on September 11th you can expect x, y or z. But there was enough to know that there were problems in the area.  There were also attacks, prior attacks, British ambassador, the Red Cross, prior attack on the mission, etc.  So, we had reason to believe that there was a problem there.”  She added, “I think if you looked at the intelligence, you would have substantially beefed up the security in that particular mission, in Benghazi. And, it didn't happen sufficiently.”  

And I will pray that we get to the bottom of the Benghazi Massacre story early in 2013, if we still have enough money in the treasury to afford it. 

Q. I see Hillary Clinton has been hospitalized with a blood clot as a result of a fall and concussion a couple of weeks ago.  You and a whole bunch of other conservative writers suggested her “fall” was manufactured to get her out of testifying about Benghazi.  Now what do you have to day for yourself?  (Nicole ~ Stockton, CA)
A. Well, I have to apologize.  But, you cannot blame us for being cynical about what anybody in the Administration says or does.  That having been said, a blood clot in the head is very serious business and the Secretary has my sincere best wishes. 

Q. Obama has made it his promise to the American people to pass gun legislation in 2013 as a result of the recent massacres.  Isn’t this a rush to judgment?  (Barron ~ Sun Valley, ID)
A. No.  It’s opportunism.  Obama has had a firm anti-gun agenda forever, which is difficult to understand since all Secret Service Agents carry guns. 

Q. Did I hear that Russia is building up its naval presence in Syria?  (Hal ~ Dayton, NV)
A. They have a naval base there at the Port of Tartus, and they are building up their fleet there, but reportedly for the purpose of extracting Russians living in Syria if it becomes necessary.  It should be remembered, however, that Russia backs Assad and has made no bones about the fact that it does not want American intervention in the situation.  So, case scenario: Assad uses chemical weapons and Obama has to make good on his threat to take military action and Russia tells him to back off.  Now what?   

“An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.” ~ Bill Vaughn


Sunday, December 30, 2012


Although most Americans have not seen a raise in at least four years and many have seen pay cuts, although the actual number of people unemployed in the country is at record-setting levels, although the country is in a deep financial crisis with a soaring load of debt, and although Federal employees already make far more than their civilian counterparts, President Barack Hussein Obama is giving all Federal employees a raise.  Members of Congress and the Supreme Court will also get a raise. 

So, I suppose all of you Americans who are out of work, making less money, losing your house, getting ready to file for bankruptcy and who voted for Obama are still damned glad that you did? And just what do you think you can do about it now?

Q. Is there anything to NRA can do to defuse the heat it is getting over guns and gun control?  (Kyle ~ Gardena, CA)
A. Well, they are an organization about guns and the 2nd Amendment, but they also have kids, grand kids, friends and feelings.  The organization has a lot of money for promoting gun rights and defending the 2nd Amendment; it seems to me that some of that money could be used to fund studies regarding the real causes of mass shootings and other mass killings.  The problem has something to do with society and how we’ve changed.  If we can identify those things, then it seems to me we are on the way to solving them and it would be a feather in NRA’s hat if they could be at the forefront.   

Q. You’ve been somewhat glib about the fiscal cliff, insisting the Republican House will cave in.  Can you explain a little more?  (Nina ~ Tempe, AZ)
A. Well, look at it this way: if we go over the “fiscal cliff” on January 1st, the stock market will crash on January 2nd.  Every Member of Congress and the President all own a ton of stocks.  So, somehow, some way it will be resolved, (those greedy bastards). 

Q. You keep saying that guns are not the problem, that society or moral upbringing is the problem.  Can you give me an example?  (Shelton ~ Denver, CO)
A. A guy in Madison, Wisconsin was arrested for beating up his wife because she bought the wrong Christmas gift.  Officers recovered cash, marijuana, ammunition and a 12-gauge shotgun.  Now, here is a case where the gun was not used; he just beat on her.  But, he was obviously over the edge.  Why?  That’s the question we should be focusing on.   

“Resolution One: I will live for God. Resolution Two: If no one else does, I still will.” ~ Jonathan Edwards


Saturday, December 29, 2012


Dawn Nguyen of Rochester, NY is facing several charges after being arrested for purchasing the weapons used by convicted felon William Spangler.  The charges are connected to an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle and a 12-gauge shotgun that Spengler had with him Monday when two Webster, NY firefighters were gunned down.  

More details will soon be forthcoming about a .38 revolver Spangler also had in his possession.  I’m glad to see that the source of the guns used is being pursued.  This is the type of gun control that should be enforced. 

Q. Since the debt ceiling has to be raised again, why don’t the Republicans simply agree to Obama’s demands for higher taxes on the rich and then refuse to raise the debt ceiling unless there are significant spending cuts?  (Garland ~ Escondido, CA)
A. Because they know they don’t have the fortitude to make that scenario stick.  And, the Democrats know the Republicans don’t have that fortitude as well.  It’s kind of why Ahmadinejad keeps flipping the finger at Obama over his nuclear program; he knows the U.S. no longer has the fortitude to stop him. 

Q. Here’s something that’s certainly not making the news: U.S. military suicide deaths are exceeding the number killed in combat.  Why do you think that is?  (Yolanda ~ Sedona, AZ)
A. Society as a whole is bankrupt.  Beyond that, they’re being put in the untenable position of defending America’s interests while having their hands tied behind their backs.  If they kill an enemy soldier who is shooting at them, there is a whole inquisition over the matter.  Finally, we shoul all be worshiping these men and women who lay their lives on the line every day so that we have the freedom to blog about what ails America.  Instead, our President wants to cut their wages and benefits and treat them like dirt. 

Q. I’ve heard it said that Obama’s lack of leadership is to blame for the “fiscal cliff.”  Do you agree?  (Phyllis ~ Ojai, CA)
A. Obama doesn’t lack leadership skills.  Otherwise, how could he convince Americans to reelect him?  The so-called fiscal cliff is a dream of his own making and a nightmare of our future endurance. 

The way you continue to be in a successful business is you don't wait for the car to go off the cliff. You have to manage yourself. And make sure you do it in the right way so you are not making decisions in crisis.” ~ Roger Goodell


Friday, December 28, 2012


Justice Sonia Sotomayor rejected an emergency request for an injunction to prevent HHS from enforcing the contraception mandate on Hobby Lobby’s Catholic owners, but even she had to acknowledge that the firm may win on the merits when the full appeal is heard.  The company’s Catholic owners say the contraception mandate violates their religious freedom.  “While the applicants allege they will face irreparable harm if they are forced to choose between complying with the contraception-coverage requirement and paying significant fines, they cannot show that an injunction is necessary or appropriate to aid our jurisdiction,” Sotomayor wrote in a short opinion.  An attorney for the firm says the chain plans to defy the federal mandate requiring it to offer employees health coverage which includes access to the morning-after pill.  They could face potential fines of $1.3 million per day.

When are America’s religious leaders going to stand up for what they supposedly believe in?  Or, as I suspect, are organized religions in this country simply a money-making scam sham scheme?

Q. That Harry Reid is such a mean spirited man.  I don’t think I’ve ever heard a nice word out of him.  How does he ever manage to get reelected?  (Tamara ~ Dana Point, CA)
A. Like Obama, Pelosi and the rest of the left-wing Democrats, he does it by employing trash politics.  Here he is trashing John Boehner for not getting us past the fiscal cliff while Reid has flatly refused to obey the law and pass a national budget for three straight years.  By rights, Reid should be impeached for failing to obey the Constitution, just as Obama should be impeached over Benghazi.  (Pelosi doesn’t deserve to be impeached, however; she should just be hung by her testicles). 

Q. Several times in your blogs you have alluded to belief in God and a prescription for more religious principles in this country.  Do you feel that we have lost our spiritual way?  (Jean ~ Anaheim, CA)
A. Beyond any doubt we have indeed lost our religious way.  Part of the reason is the constant assault on our religious traditions by left-wing atheist liberals; part of the blame is the failing structure of religious leadership and refusal to speak to America about what is going wrong with our society.  In fact, it sometimes appears to me that organized religions now bend to the will of their memberships simply in order to raise more money, whereas the fundamental tenets of belief in a religion should always prevail.  And, to a large extent, so many of us have become hedonists; we refuse to allow religion to interfere with our worldly pleasures and self-indulgences. 

Q. I see a Maryland Wedding Chapel is closing its doors because it refuses to perform gay weddings.  Is that legal?  (Harvey ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. Matt Grubbs, the owner, says "We're a Christian-owned business, and we are not able to lend support to gay marriages."  If he stayed open, the law would not allow him to discriminate between gay and straight marriages.  I believe he has a religious right to deny marriage to gays at his chapel, but he can’t afford to fight the matter in court any longer.  It’s just another liberal-left anti-religious move that we Americans should be fighting like hell. 

The only good husbands stay bachelors: They're too considerate to get married.” ~ Finley Peter Dunne


Thursday, December 27, 2012


NBC anchor Dick Gregory wanted to do a segment on large gun magazines.  Since he was broadcasting from Washington, DC, his show contacted the authorities to see if there was any reason why he shouldn’t do it.  They advised the show that it is illegal in the district to possess a "large capacity ammunition feeding device."  The show’s request to display a 30-round magazine specifically was denied.  Gregory presented it on the show anyway.  NBC is refusing to answer questions and police are “investigating.” 

NBC as a corporate person cannot be arrested and thrown in jail but, it can be charged with a crime and heavily fined; in fact, its FCC broadcasting license should be under scrutiny because it is obvious they had due notice of the law and a denial of their request.  Gregory can be charged and jailed or fined as the law allows.  Both of these culprits should be brought to task for snubbing the law.  If the authorities refuse to enforce the laws that stand, they have absolutely no business enacting new laws and should themselves be removed from office because… they are not of the right caliber, (pun intended).     

Q. I saw yesterday on Fox News that Eric Boswell, the assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security, remains at the State Department although the Department announced on December 19 he was resigning his position over the Benghazi Massacre. In other words, their "sacrificial lamb" was an absolute farce.  How dumb do they think we are?  (Betsy ~ San Martin, CA)
A. Dumb enough to give Obama a second term.  They’ve done every stupid thing in the book that one can do and the press and media still refuse to do their damned jobs and find out what in the Sam Hell happened in Benghazi.  I said in MY AMERICAN OPINION Wednesday that the Benghazi Massacre is a national disgrace and shame, and I fully meant it.  We should all be ashamed of Obama for perpetrating it and ourselves for tolerating it. 

Q. I read yesterday not only are we reaching the fiscal cliff regarding spending and income, but we are also reaching the debt limit on Monday, something nobody is talking about.  What are they going to do about that?  (Pablo ~ Folsom, CA)
A. They’ll raise it again.  It’s a never-ending blank check.  WE should be the ones setting the debt limit, not them, and I support an Amendment to the Constitution to cover it.  Practically speaking though, who really cares?  Let’s just raise it now to $50 trillion and forget about it.  If we’ve already saddled our grand-kids with too much debt to pay, why not just pass it on to our great-great-great grand children?  What are they going to do to us, dig us up and yell at us in Chinese? 

Q. How do the rest of the Middle Eastern countries feel about Iran and Syria?  (Liet ~ Phoenix, AZ)
A. They’ve been voicing increasing displeasure with Iran’s actions in the area and seem to be ambivalent toward what is going on in Syria.  Assad is finally showing signs of weakening, but there are disturbing reports that he has used some of his chemical weapons against his own people; there are some non-lethal types of chemicals that cause temporary discomfort and may be the ones in use.  In any event, the U.N. has not asked for our help with respect to either situation, so we have no legal authority to do anything.  Yes, there may be some moral authority, but no one in Washington has any morals anymore, so that is a moot point. 

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” ~ John Adams