Saturday, July 14, 2012


The word now circulating in Washington, D.C. is that President Obama will sign a treaty with other U.N. members that will end private ownership of guns in the U.S. and directly challenge the 2nd Amendment on the basis that his treaty with the U.N. will trump our Constitution. 

The issue will end up before the Supreme Court and Obama is calculating that the Court will back him, as it did with ObamaCare.  Hillary Clinton has said that she backs the plan.  If you have some extra change, send it to the NRA.  As for me, I’m buying ammo. I do NOT like the way this country is going. 

Q. What do you think of Condoleeza Rice as Vice President?  (Tillie ~ Globe, AZ)
A. I think she did an admirable job for George W. Bush.  However, bringing Bush back into the equation could be a kiss of death.  Plus, she lacks political background and she’s short on charisma.  Romney is devoid of charisma; he needs to put that on his ticket. Rush Limbaugh, anyone?   

Q. I think that wealthy people should pay more in taxes, but the $250,000 threshold that Obama sets is unrealistic; it will kill the small businessman.  I think you should set the threshold at $1 million and that there should also be a minimum tax for corporations doing over a certain volume of business, so that giants like General Electric can’t skate free anymore. Why does Obama insist on $250,000?  (Hugo ~ Grass Valley, CA)
A. Obama is no friend of the small businessman.  He wants small businesses to go by the wayside and for the government to provide what they now provide.  Having small, independently-owned businesses does not fit his Marxist socialistic agenda. By the way, even his Democrat friends are ticked off at his stance on the cutoff of the Bush tax cuts for those with over $250,000 in income.     

Q. Obama is closing major U.S. Border Patrol stations along the southern border.  This is like opening the barn door.  What is going on?  (Xenia ~ Amarillo, TX)
A. Obama needs the illegals to come into the country and vote for his second term.  This is why the Justice Department is so adamantly fighting the new Texas voter I.D. initiatives.  We Yankees are depending on you to stop this crap.   

Quite simply, federal laws already on the books aimed at stopping the flow of illegal immigration must be enforced. Furthermore, states must be given the resources necessary to confront the problem, which includes strengthening the border patrol.” ~ Allen West


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