Monday, July 9, 2012


With the Supreme Court giving President Obama's new health care law a green light, federal and state officials are turning to implementation of the law — a lengthy and massive undertaking still in its early stages, but already costing money and expanding the government. ...  Over 13,000 pages of sweeping regulations have already been written.  Read more:

Obama has no idea how close to revolt he has pushed Americans. 

Q. How do you feel about a Mormon being President?  (Bea ~ Henderson, NV)
A. I think the country is ready for a Mormon, Catholic, Protestant, Hispanic, female… just about any category.  But, I’ll be damned if I ever want to see another Black President in my lifetime.  Even prominent Blacks are now backing off, saying Obama is not the first Black President, he’s the first President of mixed race.  That says megawords about the undercurrents. 

Q.  Obama keeps harping on Romney being responsible for sending jobs overseas when he was with Bain Capital.  The facts are that he was long gone from Bain when that happened.  How does Obama get away with perpetuating lies?  (Dell ~ Sparks, NV)
A.  Think back about what you do know about Obama over the last four years.  How many times has he told the truth vs. how many times has he lied?  How many times has he accepted responsibility for his mistakes vs. how many times has he blamed Bush, or Congress, or you?  You must accept that he is psychopathic and delusional, as well as being a narcissist and saddled with a superiority complex.  Once you can come to grips with those facts, then you can understand why he doesn’t give a damn if what he says is a lie as long as he has the power and the glory of being God in the White House. 

Q.  In your opinion, is it a penalty or is it a tax?  (Huck ~ Ashland, OR)
A.  It’s a penalty tax.  How’s that for a brilliant response?  You don’t have to pay it unless you fail to comply; it’s a penalty.  The IRS is going to assess it and collect it, so it’s a tax.  So, it’s a penalty tax, pure and simple.  No charge for the insightful analysis…

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” ~ John F. Kennedy


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