Sunday, July 22, 2012


The national drought is causing dwindling crop production and higher food prices for livestock and poultry.  The heart of the Midwest Corn Belt is experiencing the worst drought it has seen in more than 50 years with prime crop areas that normally receive six to 10 inches of rain in June and July receiving less than two inches so far this summer, CNNMoney reported Saturday. 

Oh good, just in time for the end of the Bush Tax Cuts, higher energy costs and more layoffs and wage cuts.  This’ll make Obama happy in his quest to get more people onto the welfare system… I wonder who is going to be the last one in this country making an honest living: you, or me?  The economy really does suck, and we all know that.  

Q. Obama has just nominated Erica Groshen to be the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  She sent her kids to a left-wing Jewish-Communist camp.  Why did he pick her?  (Britt ~ Gardnerville, NV)
A. Because he wants a friend, ally and someone who shares his beliefs in charge of delivering labor statistics to the nation so that he can manipulate them.  This is a tactic he has been using in reporting on many sectors of the economy.  Who did you think he would choose, Neil Cavuto?

Q. As a gun owner, how would you stop things like what happened in Colorado? (Harriett ~ San Jose, CA)  
A. One bone-headed news reporter blamed the Tea Parties.  The fact is, mass murders have been going on almost since the beginning of time, and they’ve not necessarily involved guns, either.  How about Jack the Ripper, the Oklahoma City Bombing or 9/11 for example?  Mass murder can be created with fire, electricity, explosives, chemicals, knives and even water.  There are people in the world who are purely evil and there are those who lose touch with reality.  We need to keep our eyes and ears open and observe and report abhorrent behavior.   

Q.  As a businessman, what steps would you take to save the Postal Service?  (Ed ~ Bellevue, WA)
A. How about re-instituting the Pony Express?  Closing all branches on Saturday is not valid; closing those that lose money IS valid. Stopping Saturday movement in the mail is not valid; many companies and businesses finish their mail tasks on Friday and take them to the Post Office Friday evening or Saturday morning.  I think current management has immensely improved employee attitudes and customer service.  We need to perform an in-depth study and analysis to find out how to increase volume and cut costs.  One example might be to close post offices in small towns and replace them with computerized services located in local stores.  I also tend to favor reducing or eliminating mail carriers and establishing centralized locations for people to have postal boxes; something like cluster boxes on a grander scale.    

I think I would cope like anyone copes with any tragedy. I'm sure I would be very upset for a while and then there would come a point where I would either have to stay in this place of darkness and anger, or I'd have to accept that it happened.” ~ Jason Ritter


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