Saturday, July 21, 2012


12 dead, 59 injured, 1 in jail. 

No words that I can conjure up are appropriate. 

Q. I understand that things are flaring over the Falkland Islands again.  What’s going on?  (Mike ~ West Jordan, UT)
A. There’s an oil field there and the U.K. intends to develop it.  Argentina plans to sue London-based Premier Oil to prevent the project.  Somehow, I don’t think we’ve heard the last on this brewing issue. 

Q. Sarah Palin, who ran for Vice President with McCain last time around, is a strong and influential voice in conservative politics.  Will she play a role in a Romney administration?  (Twilah ~ Sitka, AK)
A. I would be surprised if she didn’t.  I think she can be a valuable asset if put in the right position.   

Q. Former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski warns that a confrontation with Iran would be disastrous for the United States, lasting for years and possibly devastating America's economy.  Do you think he’s right?  (Yogi ~ Los Angeles, CSA)
A. Well, yes and no. If it is a real war and is fought on the basis that we all hate war, it will be quick and volatile with no holds barred.  If it’s a political war, run by the brilliant wigs on The Hill and in the White House, it could last well in to the next century.    

“Every murderer is probably somebody's old friend.” ~ Agatha Christie


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