Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Regardless of all of the bad mistakes Obama has made in these past two week, he’s still ahead according to Charles Krauthammer.  But, Krauthammer also predicts that Obama will lose big time in November. 

Obama will only lose in November if Americans are ready to fight for their democracy.  So far, that appears to be iffy.  Only the people can make their voices heard.    

Q. What do you think about the revelation that members of the “mainstream, press” are having their stories approved by the White House before being published?  (Leonora ~ Newark, CA)
A. Hitler. 

Q. Obama says he’ll visit Israel if he is reelected.  Should that promise placate the American Jewish community? (Sol ~ Beverly Hills, CA)  
A. Why didn’t he visit the last four years?  What is his track record as for living up to promises? Would YOU buy a second car from this salesman?    

Q. There is the worry that Syria will transfer chemical weapons and other weapons of mass destruction to Hezbollah if attacked… and maybe even if they need to do so in order to save the current regime.  What would we do then?  (Phil ~ Walnut Creek, CA)
A. Obama would continue to stand on his thumbs and Israel would attack; they’ve already said so.  In the meantime, North Korea continues to plod along. 

Cultivation to the mind is as necessary as food to the body.” ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero



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