Tuesday, July 31, 2012


The chairman of the powerful House Intelligence Committee told Fox News that security leaks out of the Obama administration have not stopped despite an internal probe, and that President Obama doesn’t seem to be interested in turning off the spigot. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/07/30/top-republican-warns-security-leaks-havent-stopped-despite-controversy/#ixzz229XUW4fR  Representative Mike Rogers from Michigan told Fox “We’ve seen more leaks, absolutely.” 

Even the Democrats are ticked off about it.  It endangers our ability to gather intelligence information all around the world. The fact of the matter is that Obama needs these leaks to make himself look good.  He has called such allegations as outrageous and an insult to his Presidency, yet has taken no steps to stop them.  This, my fellow Americans, is how you describe the term, “lip service.” And, when it comes to national security, “lip service” surely doesn’t cut the mustard.   

Q. So, Michelle spent $6,800 on a jacket?  Was that taxpayer money?  (Brenda Lee ~ Redding, CA)
A. She bought it to wear at a Queen’s reception for the Summer Olympics.  Now, I understand there is some grumbling going on:  "The jacket cost more than the average American family makes in a month ($4,284)," kvetched the conservative blog thegatewaypundit.com. "  And, she does this as Americans continue to suffer through a deep recession and record unemployment.  A commenter called Granny points out, "I had better not EVER hear another word about a mere $900 blouse on Mrs. Romney's back or Sarah Palin's $300 shoes. EVER."  Well, I personally think that any First Lady who can blow $2.5 million of the taxpayers’ money on a "vacation" trip to Spain for her and her daughters deserves to be in a $6,800 jack, don’t you agree?  And furthermore, if we didn’t pay for the jacket, we should have.  Good God, if you don’t care about a $20 trillion national debt by the end of next year, how can you quibble over a mere $6,800 jacket?   

Q. Word is that there is legislation pending in Congress to stop the sale of ammunition over the Internet?  (Jorgan ~ Pocatello, ID)
A. Proposed Democratic legislation would effectively ban the sale of ammunition by mail order or over the Internet.  The proposal was crafted by Democratic Senator Frank Lautenberg and Democratic Representative Carolyn McCarthy.  Now, come on, folks.  Will this stop a mass murder, or am I missing something here?  Wanna little cyanide in your water supply, perhaps?  These idiots could never have graduated from the kindergarten school of logical thinking.    

Q. CNN is in the toilet, I guess.  I hear that its top boss is resigning?  (Lila ~ Reno, NV)
A. CNN President Jim Walton, who presided over the once-dominant cable-news business as it lost viewers to Fox News, will resign after almost a decade in the job, saying the network needs “new thinking.” CNN is suffering from a massive, bloody ratings slump that has Fox News soaring.  People are getting sick and tired of the left-wing cover-ups and spins. CNN won a huge lawsuit that put Satellite News Network, (SNN) out of business years ago, but SNN delivered unbiased, un-opinionated news.  Have you noticed that CNN quit the 24/7 news and has gone in for re-broadcasting crime stories from the ‘90’s?      

An extravagance is something that your spirit thinks is a necessity.” ~ Bern Williams

Monday, July 30, 2012


The union for the nation’s Border Patrol Agents is stepping forward and complaining that “higher ups” are restraining them in their duties and requiring that they do not enforce existing laws.  Two federal agents have explicitly described the problems occurring in the enforcement of Immigration related laws due to more lenient policies taken by President Obama’s administration.  Among other things, any suspected illegal simply has to claim that he is a “Dreamer” and the agents are forbidden from investigating those statements.  Recently, a convicted felon was prevented from being deported back to Mexico because he simply claimed he was a “Dreamer.” 

Any leader of any country who makes his own laws and ignores the Constitution of his country is, simply put, a “two-bit dictator.” What’s really, really, really sad is that, not even with inflation can you call Obama a “three-bit-dictator.” 

Q. What did you think of Romney’s speech in Israel (yesterday)?  (Alice Anne ~ Ventura, CA)
A. He gained a lot of stature in my eyes by making that visit and firmly standing behind Israel; Obama has done neither.  And, I think his speech sounded more Presidential than any speech I have heard in 23 years.  Frankly, he pleasantly surprised me. 

Q. Yesterday on Fox, Justice Antonin Scalia said the Second Amendment leaves open the possibility of gun-control legislation, adding to what has become a slow-boiling debate on the issue since the Colorado movie theater massacre two weeks ago.  This is a horrific statement by supposedly conservative Supreme Court Judge.  (Charlton ~ Bozeman, MT)
A. Agreed.  Good God, first the crappy ruling on ObamaCare and now this?  Have the Supremes been bought off?  If this is a sign of things to come, we Americans need to be arming ourselves to the teeth. 

Q. MF Global got into serious financial trouble and allegations of wrongdoing abound.  Yet, Eric Holder refuses to investigate or prosecute.  Why?  (Lana ~ Cottonwood, AZ)
A. Holder was a client of Holder’s law firm.  Have you had enough of this blatant corruption yet?   

Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media.” ~ Noam Chomsky


Sunday, July 29, 2012


For the past eight months, the Scribbler has been traveling back and forth between Burney, California and Forks, Washington on a consulting assignment.  It's been a real chore cranking out these blogs, working two consulting assignments and traveling.  One major assignment has wound down, however, and I'm almost ready to draw a deep breath.  One more quick trip back to Forks to get the rest of my belongings and that era of my life will come to an end.  

Some things I am able to write ahead on and they post automatically when the day arrives.  Burt, the Burney Mountain Hermit has to stay up-to-snuff and to be written every day.  I apologize for not posting yesterday, but will resume tomorrow.  

Thanks for checking in. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Union heads representing thousands of America's immigration agents slammed the Obama administration Thursday over a policy they claim is forcing officials to ignore the law and allowing illegal immigrants to exploit the system. In a startling allegation, the president of the union representing Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers claimed illegal immigrants are "taking advantage" of a new directive allowing some undocumented residents who came to the U.S. as children to stay in the country. Union boss Chris Crane said the policy ends up allowing illegal immigrants to avoid detention without any proof -- particularly so-called "dreamers," or those illegal immigrants who would benefit under the "DREAM Act" proposal, which Congress has not passed but the administration  has partially implemented.  Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/07/26/ice-border-patrol-unions-claim-illegal-immigrants-exploiting-dreamer-policy/#ixzz21me9wxt4

Chris Crane can kiss his ass goodbye.  Obama and his cronies will “marginalize” him. 

Q. Jeb Bush has endorsed Marco Rubio for Vice President. What’s your reaction?  (Pam ~ Ogden, UT)
A. Thank God.  I thought he wanted the job for himself. Evidently, he’s smarter than his dad or brother. 

Q. Is the blockade against Iranian shipments of anything that might lead to mass destruction effective?  (Glenda ~ Yuma, AZ)
A. Reports are that Iranian ships have been flying flags of other nations in order to avoid detection.  Now, I happen to think that this is a horseshit answer.  Modern computer technology provides us with the ability to keep track of every major vessel, its origin of manufacture, country of license and purpose.  Tracking technology allows for us to know what ships belong where and when.  Flying the flag of a different nation should have no bearing as to what is actually happening.    

Q. Have Obama’s policies really hurt small businesses? (Annamaria ~ Des Plaines, IL)   
A. More than 200,000 small businesses vanished between early 2008 and 2010, a period covering the Great Recession and its immediate aftermath, taking with them in excess of 3 million jobs.  Gosh, gee-whillickers and shucks; this puts Obama and the Democrats in really bad light.  Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/07/26/economy-lost-more-than-200000-small-businesses-in-recession-census-shows/?test=latestnews#ixzz21mfD9Tiu

“Having a cup of good coffee is almost as good as having sex with the neighbor’s wife.”  ~ Unknown Scribbler


Friday, July 27, 2012


When asked whether the House Republicans would permit or not permit funding for Obamacare in whatever legislation is enacted to fund the government after Sept. 30, when the current funding legislation runs out, House Speaker John Boehner responded that "our goal would be to make sure the government is funded," thus indicating that House Republicans do plan to fund implementation of Obamacare past Sept. 30.  (Link)

Well, golly.  If they put a provision in legislation to not fund Obamacare in the new budget, the Senate won’t pass it and the Federal government won’t be funded; it’ll shut down October 1st.  What a relief that might be.  Here you have several top Democrats saying they are ready to drag us over the financial cliff and the Republicans don’t have the spine to stand up to them.  Of course, our only hope out of the mess we are in is to have Romney as President with a Republican–controlled House and Senate.  Does this stance give you any comfort that things would be better if Washington was totally controlled by Republicans? Of course not.  In fact, they proved under Bush when they had total control that they cannot or will not step up to the plate.  We don’t need Republicans or Democrats in Congress; we need Americans.   

Q. I heard some black lady saying on TV the other night that the only reason we want Obama out of office is that we don’t want blacks in the White House.  What is your response? (Denise ~ Edmonds, WA)
A. That was no lady; that was Virginia State Senator Louise Lucas.  I AM prejudiced.  I don’t want THAT black s.o.b. in office even one more day. As far as the “lady” is concerned, by her own words she has demonstrated that she is as racist as they come.  

Q. Obama pounced on the owners of automatic weapons and “assault” rifles yesterday, saying that they need to be banned from private ownership. He was quick to add that he does not intend to change America’s gun laws.  What do you make of this contradiction?  (Christy ~ Auburn, CA)  
A. Well, Obama has called for more extensive and tighter background checks on gun owners.  You know, you can prevent a guy from buying a gun if he is taking over-the-counter meds, if you want.  Such a check would not have stopped Holmes, because there was nothing in his background to create suspicion.  If you ban assault weapons, would that have stopped a guy like Holmes?  No, he had pistols and another rifle.  And, I guarantee you, if assault weapons were illegal, he could get his hands on one just a fast as you can buy cocaine on the streets.  As I have said before, once gun control gets started in any form, you are just one step from ignoring the 2nd Amendment altogether.  The real answer lies in our society, the movies we watch, the games we play and the outright and total assault by liberals and un-Americans on our religion and morals. 

Q. I heard last night that the Obama Administration is pushing for another stimulus. Won’t that kill us economically?  (Ruben ~ Las Vegas, NV)  
A. Yes, but fears are growing the economy may hit stall speed, where like a plane, it's generating too little momentum to achieve escape velocity and break free from the pull of a fresh slowdown.  Anyone who has studied the economic history of the U.S. would recognize that the real answer is to cut spending, cut taxes, cut oppressive regulations and give businesses incentive to grow and hire.  I will even go so far as to suggest that most Americans could stomach some tax increases if accompanied by significant spending cuts and business incentives. 

There is no distinctly American criminal class - except Congress.” ~ Mark Twain


Thursday, July 26, 2012


A stunning vote-buying scheme that includes "very extensive, organized criminal activity, involving hundreds of thousands of dollars, and in many cases that involves drug money," is under investigation in eastern Kentucky. The problem is rooted in economic woes, which is why votes are routinely for sale. 

I’d almost be willing to bet my last dollar that this story is going to lead to discoveries of voter fraud throughout the United States and that Obama operatives are behind it. We’ll see.  I’ve been right on these things more often than Rush, and I was dead right on  ACORN when everyone thought I was a radical.   

Q. Diane Feinstein said that the intelligence leaks of late are coming from the White House.  Then, she backed away from that statement.  Why?  (Midge ~ Montebello, CA)
A. She got a call from someone in the White House, probably Valerie Jarrett, telling her she’d better damned well back off what she said or she would be totally cut off and isolated from the rest of the Democratic Party, cut off from funding for her next campaign, and subjected to a personal rebuke from Harry Reid.    

Q. Joe Lieberman is in favor of giving Obama the power to shut down the Internet?  (Kellogg ~ Pendleton, OR)  
A. Lieberman asserts that we are in danger of a cyber attack that could be more devastating to the country than Pearl Harbor.   To Lieberman, the goal of the bill is simple: to protect the electric grid, water systems, financial networks, and transportation systems from cyber attacks.  “The threat is extremely dire.  I am literally worried that an attack could be imminent. We know that both states, countries like China, Russia and Iran are constantly probing our cyber networks, both government and private, and both civilian and defense.” I totally agree with the concern, but would rather turn the authority over to Ahmadinejad than to Obama. 

Q. Lindsay Graham wants a Special Counsel to investigate the White House?  Who is he kidding?  He’ll never get that on.  (Viola ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. You are quite correct.  But, Graham is challenging Obama, because Obama was screaming for a Special Counsel to investigate the Valerie Plume case when Bush was in the White House.  Graham thinks that what is good for the goose is good for the gander, but Obama thinks it’s a fowl idea.   

“Military intelligence is a contradiction.”  ~ Groucho Marx