Monday, April 16, 2012


The Taliban launched pre-planned attacks across Afghanistan yesterday, targeting NATO bases and foreign embassies in Kabul and at least three eastern provinces. The assaults came as the U.S.-led international force is speeding up the transfer of security responsibility to the Afghans in preparation for an end to NATO's combat mission in 2014.

Way to go there, Barack.  Good job in announcing when we will withdraw.  I have a feeling things are really going to get nasty by the time we get out. 

Q. Obama is now saying he will tackle immigration in the first year of his second term if reelected.  Why didn’t he tackle it during his first term?  (Randy ~ Burney, CA)
A. His excuse is that the Republicans wouldn’t let him.  However, the Democrats did control both houses of Congress during 2009 and 2010.  He didn’t tackle it because his bizarre plan will cause an American uproar; he intends to give full amnesty to all illegals. 

Q. There’s another storm brewing in Washington.  Romney claims that 92.3 percent of the jobs lost under Obama were women.  Obama doesn’t deny that, but Tim Geithner was on the tube (yesterday) claiming that more men lost jobs under Bush.  What’s the true picture here?  (Sybil ~ Albany, OR)  
A. Most of the total jobs actually lost occurred under Obama.  Therefore, the math would suggest that the numbers of job losses were more evenly matched under Bush.  To make the long story short, Geithner is puffing hot air. Maybe he should get busy filing his income taxes.   

Q. Obama keeps giving Iran more time to negotiate.  The day will come when they have a nuke and then it will be too late.  Israel says Obama’s giving Iran “freebies” in these tactics.  I think that’s right.  What do you think is going to happen?  (Marty ~ Lincoln, CA)  
A. If the polls show Obama behind in October, Obama will strike Iran; if they show him ahead, he won’t.  He will do anything to get reelected; he still has his Marxist agenda to fulfill.    

“When a law enforcement officer apprehends an illegal immigrant, it makes no sense to simply release that individual who has been breaking our laws with no threat of sanction or penalty.” ~ Bobby Jindal


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