Tuesday, April 3, 2012


President Barack Hussein Obama told the Supreme Court yesterday that they had better not mess with his ObamaCare.  Making no bones about it, Obama said “I'm confident this will be upheld because it should be upheld," and went on to say that overturning the law would be "an unprecedented and extraordinary step" and compared the court's rejection of the law to "judicial activism." "For years what we've heard is the biggest problem on the bench was judicial activism," the president said.  He also stressed that the judges are "unelected" and the law was passed by a democratically elected Congress.

He needs to be impeached.  He has no business going public and trying to force the Supreme Court to make a decision favorable to him.  This is a total violation of separation of duties and powers of the government and totally against every judicial and ethical code I can think of.  It shows how desperate he is and how he is willing to sacrifice what is Constitutionally correct in order to maintain his own selfish socialist political agenda.  This is Adolf Hitler in dark skin, silk suit and modern times.   

Q. I heard something about a couple of Obama’s top-level people biting the dust.  Can you fill me in?  (Pauline ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. Larry Echo Hawk, Assistant Secretary of the Department of Interior for Indian Affairs, has resigned to take a high-level position with the Mormon Church.  GSA boss Martha Johnson has resigned amidst allegations she has been grossly overspending the country’s money. 

Q. I see Newt Gingrich has said he “could” support Rick Santorum, and also that there is talk the two might team up on one ticket for President and Vice President.  Is that really a possibility?  (Albert ~ Salt Lake City, UT)
A. Politics makes for strange bedfellows.   

Q. Do you think we’re going to try and take Syria’s Assad down?  (Rory ~ Oxnard, CA)
A. If it will salvage Obama’s Presidency, yes.  Personally, I think we really need to keep our noses out of this, not that I favor the extreme cruelty and killings Assad has been perpetrating.  But, we have not been asked to go in and have no legal right to do so.  It’s an internal matter, as ugly as it is.  It’s also a “no win” prospect; we’d end up none-to-nose with Iran, Russia, and all of the Middle Eastern radical Muslims.  Personally, I’d rather concentrate on getting the free world’s biggest problem out of the White House.   

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” ~ Adolf Hitler


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