Thursday, April 5, 2012


Whitney Houston’s body had substantial cocaine in it and a spoon on the table next to her bed had white residue in it, according to the autopsy report.  Toxicology results also showed Houston had marijuana, Xanax, the muscle relaxant Flexeril, and the allergy medication Benadryl in her system.

What a waste of human life and great talent.  And they want to legalize drugs in this country? 

Q. You reported the other day about Martha Johnson resigning as head of GSA due to too much spending.  Now, it’s a front page embarrassment for the Obama Administration.  Isn’t this indicative of Obama’s own lavish spending?  (Lenora ~ Menlo Park, CA)
A. Absolutely.  As long as he ignores his own budget, why should any agency stick to theirs?  An outsider would swear that they are having a contest to see what agency can push the national debt to $20 trillion first.  The winner gets a beer on the White House lawn with Barack and Joe. 

Q. Obama has signed a bill that bans insider trading for Members of Congress.  Will that change anything?  (Quint ~ Casper, WY)
A. The whole Washington D.C. crowd has become numb to our laws and numb to the will of the people.   This new law won’t have any effect unless we replace the current members of Congress and the White House hierarchy.  It’s almost as if they dare us to catch them.   

Q. I see that Tax Masters, a stalwart advertiser on the Fox News Channel, has been fined $195 million for its shoddy marketing and business practices.  Wasn’t this a matter of the White House going after Fox advertisers in an effort to force Fox off the air?  (Lucinda ~ Phoenix, AZ)
A. TaxMasters was found to have committed more than 110,000 violations of Texas’ Deceptive Trade Practices Act, according to a statement released by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott.  I would have to say that is pretty persuasive evidence that the company did wrong.  Fox cancelled their advertising contract some time ago.  For a change, I don’t see a White House conspiracy involved this time. 

“Drugs have taught an entire generation of American kids the metric system.”  ~P.J. O'Rourke


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