Friday, April 6, 2012


Coca Cola has terminated its dealings with a conservative group that has been seeking to support new state laws regarding voter identifications.  The decision to "discontinue its membership" came Wednesday, just a few hours after the black online advocacy group Color of Change began a boycott of the company, according to Fox News.

Gosh, I quit drinking Pepsi after they switched to straight 8-packs as opposed to 6 or 12 packs, now I have to quit drinking Coke.  Thank God for RC Cola.  Anyone who is against having voters identify themselves in the country belongs in another country.  How about Chile or Venezuela? 

Q. McCain keeps insisting that Santorum and Gingrich get out of the race for President.  What do you say about that?  (Eva ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. McCain’s own blunders in 2008 convinced Americans that Obama was a better choice.  It’s time for him to shut his yap and pay attention to his job.  He’s just one small step to the right of Obama anyway.  Both candidates are grown up adults capable of making their own decisions. 

Q. Now that Romney is the apparent winner of the Republican nomination, will you support him for the Presidency?  (Derek ~ Bend, OR)
A. Here are the facts: Romney finally won 70% of the vote, but Santorum wasn’t in the race.  He’s been getting 40% to 45% of the vote lately, which means that 55% to 60% of the people don’t like him.  In running against Obama, then, 55% to 60% of the people voting for Romney will really be voting against Obama.  I’ll grudgingly be in that 55% to 60%.    

Q. I just found out that Anthony Spitzer, the disgraced former Governor of New York, is taking Keith Olbermann’s spot on Current TV.  Why does the media keep hiring these social failures?  (Susan ~ San Diego, CA)
A. Olbermann has been fired from virtually every network in the country.  Al Gore’s far-left leaning Current TV is in danger of being kicked off the cable networks due to low ratings, and Al is trying to create controversy and watchers by hiring Spitzer.  That will not help and Current TV is going to go the way of all liberal radio and TV organizations, which will lead to new cries from the left about restoring the “Fairness Doctrine.”  I think it’s obvious that people are sick and tired of listening to their crap, and that is why they are getting "tuned out.".   

“Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.~ James Bovard

TODAY’S VIDEO:  All about “Gas Hogs”  

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