Saturday, April 14, 2012


The vast majority of Americans support the right to use deadly force to protect themselves - even in public places - and 68% have a favorable view of the National Rifle Association, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed.  On the other hand, there was also strong support from participants for background checks as well as limiting the sale of automatic weapons and keeping guns out of churches, stores and workplaces.

To start off with, crimes committed with guns most often occur on the streets and alleys.  Licensed carriers of concealed weapons rarely… rarely… ever use their weapons for anything other than practice, let alone in churches, stores and workplaces.  Most crimes committed with guns are not legally owned by the perpetrators.  What all of this adds up to is that we need better enforcement of existing laws, a viewpoint shared with me by the NRA.   

Q. Do you believe the Republicans will do a better job than the Democrats have done if we turn in a Republican Senate and House in November?  (Denny ~ Seattle, WA)
A. Judging by history, the answer is an unqualified “no.”  The fundamental problem is that a culture of greed and corruption has taken over our government.  In 2010, we made a substantial gain on this problem by replacing a whole lot of Congressional Members, both Democrat and Republican.  This time around, we need to replace another 1/3 of the Senate and the rest of the members of the House who were not replaced in 2010.  Then, and only then, can we stand a chance to get rid of the “culture,” and I don’t particularly care at this point what party they belong to or are replaced with. 

Q. A report yesterday indicates that inflation is increasing faster than wages.  This means more people, particularly those who have been barely scraping by, are going to be forced onto the welfare rolls.  More people are going to dive into poverty.  More people are going to lose houses, cars, and self-dignity.  What can we do to stop all of this?  (Tammy ~ Milpitas, CA) 
A. Change the people in our government at least as often as we change diapers.  The stench is the same in both cases, by the way.   
 Q. Obama’s income tax rate is lower than the rate charged to his secretary.  So, what does that prove?  (Bonita ~ Napa, CA)
A. It puts him in the exact same category as Warren Buffet.  It also proves that he doesn’t practice what he preaches.   

"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." ~ Thomas Jefferson


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