Wednesday, April 4, 2012


It has been revealed that the Federal Reserve has bought up 61% of the government debt.  Lawrence Goodman, a former Treasury official and current president of the Center for Financial Stability, says "This not only creates the false appearance of limitless demand for U.S. debt but also blunts any sense of urgency to reduce supersized budget deficits."  This will eventually have to stop, most likely after the November election if Obama gets reelected; when it does, the economy could totally collapse. 

Obama is maneuvering the economy, trying to make things look better for his reelection campaign.  Fed intervention in the government debt market makes demand for Treasury bonds appear higher than it really is, as foreign creditors and other investors have fled U.S. government debt instruments and are looking elsewhere until the government makes serious attempts to curb spending and narrow its gaping deficits.  This is a horribly nasty trick to play on the country. 

Q. I hear that the student loan balance is over $1 trillion.  That’s astounding.  (Kelly ~ Redding, CA)
A. Yes, and if it isn’t paid, that means the national debt goes up by $1 trillion.  The way they’re running this government surely makes you want to pay your income taxes, doesn’t it? 

Q. North Korea is developing an intercontinental missile capable of delivering a nuclear payload to the U.S.  Why aren’t we stopping them?  (Archie ~ Albuquerque, NM)
A. Evidently, Obama doesn’t want to.   

Q. I was reading that Bill and Hillary Clinton were saying, before the last election when Obama was wowing the country, that Obama was a “non-citizen” and ineligible to be President.  Why didn’t they stop him?  (Isabelle ~ Bakersfield, CA)
A. If you will recall correctly, the Clintons and a very long and private conversation with Obama before conceding the nomination to him.  Obviously, some kind of a deal was struck and Hillary ended up being Secretary of State.  By the way, a six-month long criminal investigation by Sheriff Joe Arpaio has found ‘probable cause’ that Obama’s long-form birth certificate released by the White House and Obama’s Selective Service registration form are forgeries. 
“It's 120 degrees in Iraq and our soldiers are living in tents too, and they didn't commit any crimes, so shut your mouths.” ~ Sheriff Joe Arpaio on his tent cities for illegals.


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