Monday, April 30, 2012


The White House is saying it “may” allow Iran to proceed with its nuclear program “to a certain point” and if it “agrees to certain stipulations.”  The offer is that Iran can enrich uranium to 5% which is the level used for commercial electrical plants, “if” Iran agrees to U.N. inspections and oversight. 

Dirty, unscrupulous news always seeps out like a bad fart over a weekend when the White House figures no one will take notice. We have been trying for years to get Iran to allow inspections and oversight.  They have lied, stalled, and buried their facilities further underground.  Now, Obama seems to open the door a crack, but it frankly amounts to caving in.  This buys Iran more time to manipulate the truth and progress with their program.  It is just one step short of allowing Iran unfettered nuclear plans to proceed to fruition and will be impossible to stop if the Iranians don’t allow that inspection and oversight access.  The truth, pure and simple is that Obama is trying to keep Israel from taking action against Israel before the November elections and he’s gambling that we won’t be upset about it.  Well, I’ve got news for him; I’m damned angry about it.   This threatens world peace and Democracy everywhere.  

Q. These atheists and agnostics are at it again, trying to tear down another cross that’s been around for over 100 years honoring America’s war dead.  When are we going to have our fill of this crap?  (Leslie ~ Ventura, CA)
A. Another cross in the Mohave Desert that has been in litigation for over ten years over the same issues has had its final fate delivered in its favor; the Park Service is deeding the land over to a veteran’s group in exchange for other land.  Now, that cross is on private land and can stand, according to a Federal Judge.  However, groups fighting the cross have vowed to take it to the Supreme Court.  The current issue involves a cross in Rhode Island; the city has refused to order the cross taken down and now a group is suing.  The cash-strapped town of Woonsocket may have to back down.  As far as I am concerned, these damned atheists have no right to infringe on our freedom of religion or religious symbols.  The Constitution does not guarantee freedom from religion, but freedom of religion.  To my knowledge, no state has told its citizens they must be Christians and, therefore, separation of church and state does truly exist.  These people are using our own laws to try and tear the fabric that built  this country apart and I think they should either get out of the country or be hung by their precious, pretentious family jewels. 

Q. The Obama campaign regime is taking a page from the Black Panther political manual.  The Black Panthers intimidated white voters in Philadelphia in 2008, and the Obama boys are intimidating donors to Mitt Romney by publishing their names on a website.  This is all a gangster, mob-like behavior.  Is this a sign of things to come?  (Marin ~ Gardnerville, NV)
A. Yes; it’s going to get worse.  He’s got lots of money to do these things.    

Q. I heard yesterday that Obama has dropped plans to ban children of farm owners from working on farms, supposedly as a result of the outrage of Americans over the proposal.  Who does he think he is, anyway?  (Harvey ~ Newport, OR)
A. Late yesterday, the left-wing of the leftist Democratic Party and child welfare activists bombarded Premier Obama over his decision to cancel the regulation. This was another in an endless parade of attempts by Obama to destroy America.  If you think he’s bad now, just wait until he gets reelected.  He must be stopped.    

What I learned growing up on the farm was that for nearly three years President Obama has been downgrading American jobs. He's been downgrading our standing in the world. He's been downgrading our financial stability. He's been downgrading our confidence, and downgrading the hope for a better future for our children. That's a fact.” ~ Rick Perry


Sunday, April 29, 2012


Health insurance premiums have risen again, this time by 15% to 18%. 

This is despite ObamaCare’s claims of reducing costs.  My premiums have risen three times by 15% to 20% in the past 15 months.  Compounded, it works out to about 63%!  Americans in this economy cannot afford this crap!  Senior citizens and others on fixed incomes cannot afford this crap.  And ObamaCare isn’t even fully implemented yet!  Not to mention the extra $1 trillion this is going to cost us tax-wise.  The animal in the White House needs to go back to the jungle. 

Q. I understand Obama plans to make it illegal for family children to do work on farms.  Who in the hell does this sleazebag think he is?  That’s none of his goddam business!  (Herschel ~ Smithfield, UT)
A. He will continue to do so unabated after he is reelected.  This is evolving into an election not of Obama vs. Romney, but of Socialistic Marxism vs. American Democracy.  It is the most important election this country has ever faced. 

Q. How did Eric Holder get away unscathed from the Fast and Furious gun scandal?  He fired a top level guy and he himself gets away as if he were lily pure?  (Greta ~ Sun Valley, ID)
A. Congress is much closer to issuing a Contempt of Congress citation than you might think.  Holder is still refusing to answer questions and provide evidence and both parties know they had better start showing America some “testicles” or they are going to be out of a job in November.  Holder is guilty as sin and would be a good target.   

Q. Obama plans to ban all cell phone activity in any vehicle.  He won’t allow hands free devices, pulling over to the side of the road, or anything.  He’s going to make this a Federal Law.  What about all of these damned women driving down the road putting on their makeup?  Where does he get the power or authority to do these things; he’s just the President! (Gideon ~ Roswell, NM)
A. You must come from outer space... Oh, you live in Roswell. Obama is not President; he is Premier Obama.  He is on the same level as Putin, accountable to no one.  He's the de facto High Potentate.  Looks like you need to hide your cell phone in a compact makeup case.  

A good farmer is nothing more nor less than a handy man with a sense of humus.” ~ E. B. White


Saturday, April 28, 2012


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials have offered to temporarily shelve 7.5 percent or roughly 16,500 cases after reviewing more than 70 percent of immigration cases pending as of mid-April. Their excuse: the system is backlogged. 

This is being done under Obama’s backdoor amnesty guidelines calling for “prosecutorial discretion.”  And it is painfully evident that Obama doesn’t plan to stop the problem of illegals crossing the southern border and taking up illegal residency in the United States.  He’s violating his oath of office. 

Q. California is going to allow non-doctors to perform abortions?  (Marilyn ~ Pittsburg, PA)
A. The proposed measure would significantly expand the number of abortion providers by allowing nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, and physician assistants to perform the most common first-trimester abortion procedure.  Here we go, into the back alleys and dark rooms to do abortions again, only this time it’s legal. 

Q. I haven’t heard much about the global financial situation.  Since they bailed out Greece, has everything settled down?  (Tim ~ Redding, CA)
A. Standard and Poor’s downgraded Spain’s debt Thursday, saying they expect increased deterioration of its finances due to a contracting economy and ailing banking sector.  The Dutch Prime Minister just resigned over the failure of his government to come up with a new budget.  The Greece situation is also plummeting back into the abyss.  But, don’t you worry about it; Obama isn’t.  

Q. There are a lot of bad domestic economic indicators.  Housing prices are falling again.  What effect is this going to have?  (Cherry ~ Milwaukie, OR)
A. A lot of houses were sold with small down payments as the Obama administration sought to prop up the housing market.  With falling prices, more than a million additional homes are now underwater on their mortgages.  Look for foreclosures to start increasing again. 

“A doctor can bury his mistakes but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines.” ~ Frank Lloyd Wright


Friday, April 27, 2012


A Guatemalan woman in the U.S. illegally has been ordered deported before her trial for killing a disabled man during a hit-and-run driving accident in Massachusetts.  The woman was slated to stand trial when a federal immigration judge sitting in Boston ruled Tuesday that she should be deported. Federal officials now intend to release Contreras from custody without trying her for motor vehicle homicide, which the victim's father called outrageous.

Why is there no uproar over this?  How do the racist blacks in this country justify calling for the lynching of Charles Williams without raising holy hell over this injustice?  What in the Sam Hell is happening to our country? 

Q. I see they’ve discovered that the infamous White House S.S. troopers, the Secret Service, had another round of partying in El Salvador.  Are the wheels coming off the Obama Presidency? (Charles ~ Fremont, CA)
A. One hopes so.  This is just one more sign of the attitude of the Obama regime; they all feel they are above the law, above the professional standards of their positions, and that they can therefore do whatever they want and we can’t stop them.  Let’s prove them wrong in November.  Reelect Jimmy Carter. 

Q. Do you think the Supreme Court is going to back Arizona on the immigration issue?  (Wanda ~ San Luis Obispo, CA)
A. Yes.  If the Federal government refuses to enforce its own laws to the detriment of the states, then the states have every right to protect themselves as long as they don’t pass laws negating Federal laws.  The Arizona law is a virtual copy of Federal law.  They’re on solid ground and Obama and his cronies need to go back to law school.   

Q. Is it true that Obama gave up his law license under the threat of disbarment?  (Terry ~ Needles, CA)
A. While there is no evidence to suggest that, he voluntarily retired his license ostensibly because he no longer needed it.  The vast majority of those who pass the bar and get licensed never put their licenses into an inactive status until they’re on their death beds; one never knows when he might have to practice law, even if it’s a rare occasion.  So, why did Obama really retire his license?  Who really knows?

“A Lawyer will do anything to win a case, sometimes he will even tell the truth.” ~ Patrick Murray


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

EDWARDS CASE: Fair or Unfair?

It was the worst, best-kept secret of the 2008 presidential election cycle, and in the end it tore apart the friendship of John Edwards and his most trusted aide. John Edwards is on trial for using campaign money for financing his affair with Rielle Hunter. 

Then, why shouldn’t Bill Clinton have been tried for using taxpayer money to get sexual favors from Monica Lewinsky?  No, Edwards shouldn’t have done it.  But, we’re sexual beings; let’s face it.  So, these things are bound to happen and have happened for time immemorial.  Does that make them right?  No.  Should there be a criminal trial over this?  No.  If you make this a crime, punishable by law for a politician to use campaign money to have sex, then you have to make it a crime for a president of a publicly traded corporation to have sex with a mistress. 

Q. Where General Electric is making all of these billions of dollars and paying absolutely no income taxes, why don’t the stockholders question what is going on?  (Merlin ~ Oliverhurst, CA)
A. It’s not that simple.  If you were a stockholder looking for a dividend, wouldn’t you want the company to do everything possible to lower its expenses, such as taxes, so they could pay you a higher dividend?  Anyway, their annual shareholder’s meeting was just interrupted by a group known as the “99 Percent” movement demanding that GE pay more in taxes.  After they got the bum’s rush out the door, GE bosses started trying to explain that GE Capital had suffered big losses and that was why their taxes were so low.  And I say, “Bull, every business deserves a big chance to make money and the country deserves an appropriate share of revenue based on net income.” There really is a lot of inequity in this issue, but not enough to make me vote for Obama.   

Q. So now, in this never-ending drama, Jimmy Carter says he “wouldn’t mind” a Romney Presidency.  What does that mean?  (Whitney ~ Klamath Falls, OR)
A. It means that he, too, thinks Romney is more of a liberal than dead-center.  We, unfortunately, have no choice but to say that even if he is left of center, he is to the right of Obama.  Whoopie.  Big Whoopie,  Blah.   

Q. I heard there’s an illegal immigrant with 35 arrests who will not be deported? (May ~ Grants Pass, OR)
A. Surprise, he’s Palestinian. But, he’s not going to be deported; he can continue his life of crime here because… the U.S. does not recognize Palestine as being a legitimate country, and therefore the guy is not an illegal alien. Please pass the gray poop on.      

“The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax.” ~ Albert Einstein